Message from @jatt
Discord ID: 636643216069754890
and tech support
dravidian cope
sureeeeeee, now i see things like the mahal etc.
when was india the most technologically advanced?
all europeans, we must swarm the pajeets as a whole and bully them with aryanism
but there's no denying most indians are sub human
when they wuz space kaangs and had space ships, nukes and laser guns in the prehistory of the rig vedas
don't worry a fat retard white i accept the fact they are sub human
Aryanism is bullying <:CHAD:396569198404435969>
I wish they were nazis
let indians deal with india..
the roman, the slav, the nord, the anglo, the amerimutt, the albanian, the emojipilled newfag, etc
but u can't dodge the fact india is bad because of the genetics, the fact the low IQ street poopers are the majority is a problem
Before whitey Anglo came and take away all our fabric we wuz producing textiles n shieet
we wuz the most advanced
@ALternativeToLife No it was socialist until 1992
Indians at my school are rarted
can't beleive boomers still buy into the MUH TEXTILES memi
why doesn't indians use toilets?
Converting to Islam would be great
@troglodytes boomer
blah blah blah muh GDP
rest of the world still has to deal with india's shit
because of all the shit that comes out of the ganges and pollutes the ocean
the untouchables yeah
This is knda true @Markomann
They do make toilets now tho
Did you know in 50 years the GDP of India (population +1 billion) will be higher than the GDP of Britain (population 60 million)
Did u kno
SHIEEED WYBOI U GOTTA CLEAN OUR POO SHIEEEEDD <:CHAD:396569198404435969> <:CHAD:396569198404435969> <:CHAD:396569198404435969>
This means that we wuz aryans
they just worship the toilets instead of shiting in them
yes, it will grow but it won't be as competent as the west, i'm just answering why india sucks or sucks relative to other areas
Yes <:CHAD:396569198404435969>