Message from @TheUserNameofPeace

Discord ID: 636808703546359809

2019-10-24 06:08:22 UTC  

He was shocked

2019-10-24 06:08:32 UTC  

Do you really think that was Americas job in Syria?

2019-10-24 06:08:42 UTC  

Did we ever even stop fully funding them lol

2019-10-24 06:08:44 UTC  

Our greatest ally the kurds need us

2019-10-24 06:08:47 UTC  

Their job was to educate and arm Kurdish militants

2019-10-24 06:08:52 UTC  

its just a joke nowadays

2019-10-24 06:08:57 UTC  

Just like they did against the russians in Afghanistan

2019-10-24 06:08:59 UTC  

Operation Timber Sycamore

2019-10-24 06:09:04 UTC  

i was talking to my wife about this today how it proves how insanely biased the media is

2019-10-24 06:09:06 UTC  

Arms into Syria

2019-10-24 06:09:10 UTC  

And training

2019-10-24 06:09:13 UTC  

Since 2012

2019-10-24 06:09:14 UTC  

if anyone but trump pulled out of syria it would be amazing

2019-10-24 06:09:25 UTC  

America is too brown to conduct wars anymore

2019-10-24 06:09:44 UTC  

It's going to get worse at it

2019-10-24 06:09:51 UTC  

And whites will become less inclined to join up

2019-10-24 06:09:52 UTC  

Goblinos can work an Xbox controller, that's all we'll need

2019-10-24 06:10:04 UTC

2019-10-24 06:10:05 UTC  

notice how it was unanimous condemnation for the Trump Syria pullout

2019-10-24 06:10:24 UTC  

The story of the father who is being forced to permit his ex wife to transition his son is a huge redpill

2019-10-24 06:10:26 UTC  

For normies

2019-10-24 06:10:26 UTC  

yes it wasnt even a discussion

2019-10-24 06:10:33 UTC  

it was just, this is clearly bad

2019-10-24 06:10:38 UTC  

Everyone I've shared that with has gotten disgusted and furious

2019-10-24 06:10:40 UTC  

even though its clearly in US interests

2019-10-24 06:10:50 UTC  

@TheUserNameofPeace yeah, I've heard normies talking about it.

2019-10-24 06:10:54 UTC  

yes but the father is a transphobe

2019-10-24 06:10:56 UTC  

It's pretty ducked up.

2019-10-24 06:11:01 UTC  

And then I press the point that this is what the US has become

2019-10-24 06:11:02 UTC  
2019-10-24 06:11:03 UTC  

so he has no rights

2019-10-24 06:11:06 UTC  

both democrats and republicans condemming the move

2019-10-24 06:11:11 UTC  

thats why im accelerationist

2019-10-24 06:11:21 UTC  

Pretty soon the majority of whites in America won't feel American

2019-10-24 06:11:43 UTC  

That's a story to continually stop and think about

2019-10-24 06:11:45 UTC  

and notice the so-called enlightened EU was throwing a hissy fit over the pullout aswell

2019-10-24 06:11:58 UTC  

By the end of Trump's second term whites will be a minority, and something will happen.

2019-10-24 06:11:59 UTC  

Why tf would that man comply with any law in the US at this poitn?

2019-10-24 06:12:02 UTC  

It's insane

2019-10-24 06:12:08 UTC  

which is hilarious if the EU thinks someone should be in there, theyre welcome to send in troops

2019-10-24 06:12:13 UTC  

oh whats that