Message from @Hector

Discord ID: 637890570748035107

2019-10-27 05:39:57 UTC  


2019-10-27 05:40:17 UTC  

Whiter than Sweden. 🤣

2019-10-27 05:41:21 UTC  

My aunt married a dude born and raised in El Salvador and he's pretty much 100% spanish. They are like the ruling elite there, same as Mexico

2019-10-27 05:42:25 UTC  

Not sure what it is for mexico per se but the average south american is around 40-60 percent white

2019-10-27 05:42:35 UTC  

I am sad they got mutted. Many of them come from regions like the Basque county, Galica, and Catalonia. The mountain region is good European, Spanish stock.

2019-10-27 05:43:06 UTC  

I need to get me a wifey from there.

2019-10-27 05:43:26 UTC  

@Roko Mexicans are on average 56% European. That's where the meme comes from lol

2019-10-27 05:43:34 UTC  

Yeah anyone know why south america got mutted but not so much in North America?

2019-10-27 05:44:29 UTC  

Much of it probably has to do to Spanish men getting shipped out with women. South America was a business. Mexico was more of a colony.

2019-10-27 05:44:51 UTC  

That's a good way of putting it

2019-10-27 05:45:36 UTC  

After the diseases bottle necked South America, only women that pair with the Spanish survived. But Spanish families went to some islands and Mexico.

2019-10-27 05:45:57 UTC  

I am like 25% Northern Spanish. Feels bad.

2019-10-27 05:46:26 UTC  

I mean USA and Canada vs spanish and Portuguese colonies

2019-10-27 05:46:58 UTC  

Well, the only populations that mixed with the natives were the fudging Irish. >_>

2019-10-27 05:47:03 UTC  

In America

2019-10-27 05:47:22 UTC  

NA was a colony from the start.

2019-10-27 05:47:50 UTC  

Most Americans have trace native blood

2019-10-27 05:47:55 UTC  

Like 1/32

2019-10-27 05:48:23 UTC  

Here is some food for thought. 75,000 Anglos arrived in America. They had up 50% of the population during the 90's. They made lots of babies. >_>

2019-10-27 05:49:18 UTC  

Actually less, 2.2%

2019-10-27 05:49:23 UTC  

200,000 Anglos went to the Caribbeans. Most of them died from the heat or diseases. Evidence that whites should leave that wretch area.

2019-10-27 05:50:02 UTC  

The average white American has 1.4% non-european admixture

2019-10-27 05:50:12 UTC

2019-10-27 05:50:48 UTC  

I bet most of those mixed are Irish, lmao.

2019-10-27 05:51:26 UTC  

The Irish on their island is fine. But Irish Americans are worst than Mexicans imo.

2019-10-27 05:51:33 UTC

2019-10-27 05:52:26 UTC  

I haven't really had any bad experiences with irish tbh

2019-10-27 05:52:36 UTC  

Irish Americans are white Americans
German Americans are white Americans
Anglo Americans are white Americans
There's no difference anymore
Atleast where I'm at
And no way in hell is some white dude worse than a Mexican lol

2019-10-27 05:52:51 UTC  


2019-10-27 05:53:47 UTC  

Let me see if I can find their voting pattern. It is terrible though.

2019-10-27 05:53:50 UTC  

I can't tell a white person's ancestry just by looking at them, unless it's super obvious like gingers or meds
But even then I see a white person lol

2019-10-27 05:54:47 UTC

2019-10-27 05:55:18 UTC  

I would guess most Irish vote left because they are mostly in liberal areas
But that's an NPC effect and not an Irish one

2019-10-27 05:55:42 UTC  

thats so perfectly jewish

2019-10-27 05:56:18 UTC  

Well there might be some small biological basis to it as well

2019-10-27 05:56:20 UTC  


2019-10-27 05:56:27 UTC  

you see my pic

2019-10-27 05:56:31 UTC  

Like Ireland was outside the hajnal line for instance

2019-10-27 05:56:35 UTC  

The Irish mainly live in Kentucky and Tennessee though.

2019-10-27 05:56:49 UTC  

Still looking for it