Message from @Banjod
Discord ID: 637980262374047744
here you have the opposite
no it isnt
that's not how i cound it
count it
look, i'm not trying to cope
I don't do that
if french are teh master race, i'll say that
what makes it hard for the french to turn away from liberalism/leftism today?
if it's the slavs
I'll say it
that's the type of thing this autistic server wants
even austrai sshould be separated
My 23andme said half my DNA was "french/german"
So is that bogus?
is by looks
just how they look facially
"french/german" is very vague
but that makes it easy for them to say that
it doesn't tell you that much
and it's hard for them to be wrong
that's just the 23/me category for central western euro
Did I misread it maybe? Idk if they use haplogroups
really makes you think
it's larping cringe cope
I'm stunned
The signs in the nazi town put up by the protesting family is love, peace, and... refugees welcome?
I guess having a nation = national socialism now
So much boomer posting in vc
it's 2015, but response