Message from @Nerthulas
Discord ID: 638183815906590742
you cannot require people to celebrate christmas against their will
Yes you can
or threaten to fire them
Christmas is secular
no, you can't
In 2019
They don't have to come to Christmas celebrations
I agree tienX that we can try to find the best ways possible
to do things legally
Just build a small town
He said they had to sing a song
Oh Tannenbaum was not originally a religious song. Checkmate diversity-crats
@TheUserNameofPeace its 'absolute' because its the matrix by which your brain processes information
Nerthulas is just too autistic
the thing is if people mention "darwin" you alreayd know they are anti science
Nerth, I want to hear you debate darth or dyer
darwin was like hundreds of years ago
our understanding of evolution has gone way beyond darwin
See how your approach fairs
Come on
its alllll logic tricks
only someone trying to strawman evolution mentions darwin
its all linguistic
<:smugooze:398100987866251265> 2019 and not fighting the scienism machine
its like debating newtonian physics when we're in the quantum era
dyer embarrassed himself badly when he tried to debunk aquinas' five ways
its like you want to gangfucked by jewish trans
Fight jewish lawyers with their own weapons
he reveled that he's a fraud
This is a nice photo ☺
What if we had a European Union but it was the boys 😳
dyer is an extreme brainlet
yes, logic tricks are a bad appeal to rationality
he just spouts big words
don't be a logic cuck
I only lurk this discord.
especially when its very poor logic