Message from @fuguer

Discord ID: 638889717663793152

2019-10-29 23:57:59 UTC  

JAM too ohnoes

2019-10-29 23:58:24 UTC  

theres a bunch of krillism trolls now

2019-10-29 23:58:38 UTC  

@Angry. This blog says my IQ is over 130, which is a few IQ tests that I have taken has told me.

2019-10-29 23:58:41 UTC  

@Nerthulas just do the woman in front of the counter solved

2019-10-29 23:58:43 UTC

2019-10-29 23:58:45 UTC  

JF should do a meme review

2019-10-29 23:58:49 UTC  

@Hector my IQ is 158

2019-10-29 23:58:53 UTC  


2019-10-29 23:59:01 UTC  

@fuguer both semetic?

2019-10-29 23:59:07 UTC  

No wonder you are a mod. : )

2019-10-29 23:59:13 UTC  

Iā€™m literally biggest brain man

2019-10-29 23:59:15 UTC  

158 nice

2019-10-29 23:59:20 UTC  

I will challenge you

2019-10-29 23:59:23 UTC  


2019-10-29 23:59:26 UTC  

To a brain battle

2019-10-29 23:59:28 UTC  

You are too unintelligent

2019-10-29 23:59:31 UTC  


2019-10-29 23:59:32 UTC  

4d chess

2019-10-29 23:59:38 UTC  


2019-10-29 23:59:42 UTC  

fuguer will explode you with his mind

2019-10-29 23:59:54 UTC  

My mind so smart I know Iā€™ll win beforehand

2019-10-29 23:59:56 UTC  

Scott Weiner

2019-10-29 23:59:59 UTC  

go figure

2019-10-30 00:00:06 UTC  

I donā€™t have to know math I can just see a problem and do it

2019-10-30 00:00:06 UTC  

i hope this isnt correct im african and i was teased about being black and the kids said we have small brains. at first i blew it off, but days pasts and he presist eventually i found all these pages on race, intellegence and brain sizeā€¦ i read up on the information to find out about the depressing iq gapā€¦ i noticed the differeces in the shapes between skull and brains (esp blacks) any the evidence points to be true.
this test didnt help i got a reaction time of 323. and my girlfriend agreed to do it (who is dark skin black) got an average of 353ā€¦ meaning our IQsā€™s would be around 75 and (both fitting decently into ā€œblack statistical normā€ā€¦can anyone help me with more research or other possible reasons? @Angry. lol, read this.

2019-10-30 00:00:14 UTC  

coons are killing my chicks

2019-10-30 00:00:22 UTC  

angry won't be able to sleep

2019-10-30 00:00:27 UTC  

I don't read anything that takes up more than three lines of text on my monitor

2019-10-30 00:00:35 UTC  
2019-10-30 00:00:36 UTC  

sweating in fear of this 1v1

2019-10-30 00:00:40 UTC  

already 2 am for him,damn zoomers,they never sleep

2019-10-30 00:00:42 UTC  

he said MATH NOT METH!

2019-10-30 00:00:43 UTC  

i'm gonna drop the coon trap in the pool and let it drown

2019-10-30 00:00:49 UTC  

323 reaction time, how can you be that slow!!!!!!

2019-10-30 00:00:50 UTC  

Whatā€™s 8^-(1/3)

2019-10-30 00:00:56 UTC  

wait a minute

2019-10-30 00:00:59 UTC  

I havenā€™t even had this is skuul yet

2019-10-30 00:01:13 UTC  

Thatā€™s like me asking you how much sulfur you need to farm to destroy 1 sheet metal door and a wall

2019-10-30 00:01:21 UTC  

>waiting till school teaches you something to learn it