Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 641221956451958794
Brazzers dates
men are rather hypergamous by nature. So wanting to have only one woman when you only take into consideration her looks is rather bizarre
holy shit bitchute is BASED. I'm going there.
I don't understand why they don't update the site to be more functional
yeah I'm as picky as a women
cause it's a lot of investment
In selection respects
what is costly about it..
I've rejected over 95% of offers I bet
fix your algorythms
and clean up your designs
this is web..
Thats a mongolian russian
Mongolians are based
Only acceisble by the trans siberian railroad
Don't compare them to Russians
new video..
not live
but that's what brought me to click on bitchute
Sleeping in the same bed with my gf every day
Premarital sex is a sin but
Nocturnal emission in my pants
Mongolians, are the IRL dothraki that conquered the largest continent worldwide
I'm so used to only getting Jim streams in place of his vids.
Nothin but respect
Except they drove the khazarian jews west into eastern europe
Great Russians^
That was their only trangsression
Jews aren’t khazars