Message from @Alt Knight

Discord ID: 642911499412570123

2019-11-10 02:19:32 UTC  

I think my brother might have alienated some cuckservative oil driller friend of ours.

2019-11-10 02:19:36 UTC  

Because you recognize drugs are a dead end

2019-11-10 02:19:37 UTC  

There are really well put-together people with healthier hobbies but they tend to be VERY selective about who they associate with and I'm lower class <:pepesad:640411393329201162>

2019-11-10 02:19:49 UTC  

irl conversation is dangerous

2019-11-10 02:19:55 UTC  

As you get older you realize you’re just wasting your life and you’ll regret those years you squandered

2019-11-10 02:19:57 UTC  

I feel like the little mermaid over here

2019-11-10 02:20:00 UTC  

I don't like shrooms, they make me literally hysterical

2019-11-10 02:20:07 UTC  

good for stomach workout though

2019-11-10 02:20:10 UTC  

I love lsd and shrooms

2019-11-10 02:20:15 UTC  

i prefer acid over shrooms but only did shrooms once

2019-11-10 02:20:17 UTC  

lsd is another story

2019-11-10 02:20:19 UTC  

Make me enter philosophical math trance

2019-11-10 02:20:27 UTC  

lsd is great tbh

2019-11-10 02:20:27 UTC  

but dont play with it anymore

2019-11-10 02:20:30 UTC  

me neither

2019-11-10 02:20:31 UTC  

Where I can understand the entire universe and time and space

2019-11-10 02:20:31 UTC  

had my fun

2019-11-10 02:20:34 UTC  

shrooms are the one drug I can say was absolutely beneficial

2019-11-10 02:20:41 UTC  

🎶 'Some day I'll be part of your world' 🎶

2019-11-10 02:20:44 UTC  

I actually stopped taking SSRI's and I ironically *stopped* laying awake for an hour when I went to bed, pondering what a waste my life has been

2019-11-10 02:20:46 UTC  

take the shroom pill

2019-11-10 02:20:57 UTC  

I just started taking ssri again

2019-11-10 02:20:59 UTC  

I dont actually reccomend doing drugs, especially not regularly

2019-11-10 02:21:01 UTC  

I'd do every 6-12 months, in a spiritual/reflective way

2019-11-10 02:21:04 UTC  

I was getting too grumpy off them

2019-11-10 02:21:28 UTC  

i think i'll do a psychedelic at the end of this year

2019-11-10 02:21:29 UTC  

I have taken it two or three times in my life and only one of those three times was it a positive experience

2019-11-10 02:21:31 UTC  

my main problem when no longer taking them is my mind races a lot

2019-11-10 02:21:32 UTC  

I was prescribed prozac when I was like 13 when that shit came out

2019-11-10 02:21:36 UTC  

Our Pagan ancestors used to take shrooms the night before big battles

2019-11-10 02:21:39 UTC  

It turned me into a dick

2019-11-10 02:21:40 UTC  

To clear their minds

2019-11-10 02:21:43 UTC  

I didn't like myself

2019-11-10 02:21:51 UTC  

But I spent most of today tapping in and out of consciousness like some fucking meth head

2019-11-10 02:21:53 UTC  

I had no social inhibitors

2019-11-10 02:21:55 UTC  

Prozac has too many sides

2019-11-10 02:21:56 UTC  

@Leaf in what order? What one was beneficial

2019-11-10 02:21:58 UTC  

You mean on shrooms?

2019-11-10 02:22:02 UTC  

The third and final one

2019-11-10 02:22:02 UTC  

I would say everything no matter how mean