Message from @The Great One
Discord ID: 646882622068359199
This is Trump's coolest Presidential moment tbh
It's a synthetic globalist religion
first we have some steps to pass before that happens
@The Great One Why are you keeping that profile picture?
that's if you reject it's own claIM
why would i change it
@Nerthulas that entire universe's aesthetics are amazing
God dosen't sythesize his own words
it's all his words
i mean really the whole im smart meme of the alt right needs to go
its unbearable
But I'm smart tho <:big_brained:396156349676781569>
being smart is good but being uncucked is better
Bro I'm smart
Trust me I'm smart
yes it's globalist because it offers the system in which we all have a right to exist with racial and national idetitties
this will result inevitably in world peace.
like bruv
"alt right" people are on average much smarter than libs and cons
110 to 140 is the sweet spot
I was saying about a week ago or so that good character is better than intelligence or beauty or any characteristic which brings most people pride
the chad of smartness
believe me, cope cope
my iq level is sweet spot <:big_brained:396156349676781569>
145 to win a nobel prize
Who cares, like @Alt Knight said, being uncucked is more important.
id say most people that are actualy in the alt right seem to be at least one standard deviation above average
@The Great One its just true
The alt-right is still a thing?
Most people that I've met in the alt right seem to be somewhere between typical and drooling retards
where we larping as this week
@Leaf And that's why baha'i schools emphasize a balance between moral, ethical, and spiritual teachings with, your more standard curriculum
we are using the label alt right in a loose way