Message from @esotericpazuzuism
Discord ID: 646883498875158528
where we larping as this week
@Leaf And that's why baha'i schools emphasize a balance between moral, ethical, and spiritual teachings with, your more standard curriculum
we are using the label alt right in a loose way
We need to be racially minded to the same level blacks are even,
it is because people won't let the meme die
Or maybe I'm not
we must secure the existence of cheeseburgers and a future for caramelized onions
The alt-right existed for maybe a week
i mean it was a loose term befor the whole you a nazi
this way your society isn't filled with genius scientists who will go to no end to find truth
Grug is a nazi
nor the opposite of religious fanatacism and dogma
we should call ourselves nice guy socialists on a national scale
that's your best bet
Just say dissident right, or NS, or really anything else
How is that chad
nice guy national socialism is basically the baha'i faith
we know who we are
He looks like hes being pushed around and whining about it
only global
New Right is a term that might pick up
i like the winning right
I just wish spencer would fix his voice...
Did someone say epic
mmm milkies
What's wrong with his voice?
thers a lot of intelectual disagreements in the alt right that shows the community to be above average. Take jfg audience and compare it to some 100iq persons fan base like sargon of akkad and thers a clear differance in ability to understand more complex subjects
Call us the UnCuckables
Bruh compared to most of the people in the "alt-right" his voice is the least of his concerns