Message from @1blowback
Discord ID: 649522985803317269
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Masonry is a tie in with a religion
no it's not MW
Chrisitanity is jewish?
It's a low end Abrahamic
The jews subverted masonry around 250 years ago
@TheUserNameofPeace what percent of Jewish males will die in WWIII?
It's compassionate Judaism
since then they the sabbatean game
Most Trommm
i will watch the show closely for an announcement of a call in show, please tell jf
Of the West
Ive grown very tired of this argument
And Israel will probably get wiped as being too aggressive
As if Jewish urbanites couldn't make a quick getaway.
Jews always leave before shit goes down.
woods are more scary than ukes
do any of you have parents or siblings that you need to redpill?
of the problem
They got out of the world trade center before it went down. They got out of Germany before that went down. And they're even starting to leave the US at the moment
Im hispanic
I grew up very conservative
Hispanics are Mongoloid not Med.
so all my family is.
Hispanic from Spain
@marstomper you have a larger duty than the rest of us
you're high
Not Hispanic from Mexico
This has been on my mind so I'll post this here. I know politics are important here but never be fooled into thinking any of this is more important than your family, because you only get one. Happy thanksgiving lads.
While I agree with you, why do you say.
hispanics are not what acadamia teaches in school
they're not the result of interbreeding of conquistadors
and native aztecs
These people of Israel are even unto the present day still expecting that Manifestation which the Bible hath foretold! How many Manifestations of Holiness, how many Revealers of the light everlasting, have appeared since the time of Moses, and yet Israel, wrapt in the densest veils of satanic fancy and false imaginings, is still expectant that the idol of her own handiwork will appear with such signs as she herself hath conceived! Thus hath God laid hold of them for their sins, hath extinguished in them the spirit of faith, and tormented them with the flames of the nethermost fire. And this for no other reason except that Israel refused to apprehend the meaning of such words as have been revealed in the Bible concerning the signs of the coming Revelation. As she never grasped their true significance, and, to outward seeming, such events never came to pass, she, therefore, remained deprived of recognizing the beauty of Jesus 21 and of beholding the Face of God. And they still await His coming! From time immemorial even unto this day, all the kindreds and peoples of the earth have clung to such fanciful and unseemly thoughts, and thus have deprived themselves of the clear waters streaming from the springs of purity and holiness….
regarding jews of today
ANGLOIDS write us down with smut in their history books.