Message from @Emperor of Atlantis
Discord ID: 650746156913262592
neat camera angles, advertising and some convincing acting made them seem taller
Makes sense
and yes Sandahl Bergman is a Jew
and she is like 6 feet tall
tom cruise a midget
The biggest misconception of the tommy is that they were used more than on very few occasions
Also Hollywood were rich enough to afford them which is why they're so iconic, but the mob didn't go guns blazing a lot, so it'd make sense they'd go all out and buy expensive guns for the occasion.
38s were probably the most used
38 snubs?
Any 38
Wait. That meme is real life now?
Probably snubs
Imp, its because Catholicism is its own whole thing
Easily concealed
5. Jesus probably wasn't real, I kept trying to find evidence of a historical Jesus but didn't find any
it has its own aesthetic
its its own institution
yes which leads to 6. Christianity is so malleable that anyone can take it and make their own religion
if you look at how Islam was created you can see direct links to Christianity
also third worlders don't practice the same Christianity
Also sawd offs, right?
in Japan they had their own interpretation
very based 3 minutes
and if you go to Africa they basically combine it with their own tribal customs
I watched the whole thing, Tuer
In Britain, gangsters would probably shoot you with a Welby Mark IV or stab you with their mom's favourite kitchen knife.
Weaboo bugs moran used a pump shotgun but sawn offs were probably common and cheaper
if I was to go Christian, I'd go Catholic probably
i carry a knife <:CHAD:396569198404435969> im a gangsta
that's what I was baptized as
and it has the best Aesthetics
Catholicism like all Christianity sucks
I wonder if there's any surplus STENs laying about.
It's a good thing that Christians don't have the power to use militaries to kill Europeans anymore over who has the correct reading of a Middle Eastern religion
I would go Catholic or Orthodox because it is less cringe than Protestant sects
All they can do is make bitchy videos at each other
@Nerthulas what's the matter, Kanye's vision of Christianity does not inspire you?