Message from @cr4ck3r
Discord ID: 370450470013108235
Count on me and Cory to larp too hard.
nah man, i get it, but we need to be aware of the situation
I have it on friends only but you want me to delete it, Matt?
prolly a good plan tbh, sorry fam
Virginia Code 18.2-433.2 "prohibited paramilitary activity", comes with explicit exceptions as laid forth in 18.2-433.3
I'm examining point 2.
It's not a stretch for TWP and other defendants to utilize this legal exception.
Obviously I don't know the details of the case, and I wasn't there.
--- And the language of 18.2-433.2 is so broad. a "technique capable of causing injury or death to persons" includes activities as harmless as fleeing.
The picture was for photography and literal larping purposes
Of course, that's obvious IMO
Still better off not putting yourselves in a position where you need to try to use exceptions in a law
Agreed. But people with lawyers and money do this kind of thing as a form of harassment. I truly believe that is what this is, because from a legal standpoint, this is a hard case for the prosecution. It's "politigation"
Of course that's what it is. It's lawfare.
And i don't know if there is a Counter-sue in place, but as far as UtR police stand down, i'd consider 42 USC 1983 - Failure to intervene.
... I'd just like to see us be on the offensive in the lawfare sphere. I'm willing to offer ideas, if nothing else.
---- And just another thought, did u ever consider that these "paramilitary laws" could more correctly be applied with these dindu flash mobs? We've had plenty in Milwaukee (State Fair Grounds) , and unlike TWP they had actual criminal intent.
@cr4ck3r IM servers are being configured right now, but we have hosted literally everything there is to know about EH in our religion .pdf section. Savitri Devi's the Lightning and the Sun is the first and most important, but it goes beyond Savitri and Serrano. I can dump some links here already:
> Savitri Devi - The Lightning and the Sun
> Savitri Devi - Defiance
> Savitri Devi - Pilgrimage
> Savitri Devi - Gold in the Furnace
> Savitri Devi - And Time Rolls On
> Savitri Devi - Impeachment of Man
> Miguel Serrano - Adolf Hitler The Ultimate Avatar
> Alfred Rosenberg - The Myth of the 20th Century
> Ron Mcvan - Temple of Wotan: The Holy Book of the Aryan Tribes
I know your distaste for Evola but here you go:
For reference:
> Vedas
> Bhagavad-Gita
> Upanishads
> Brahma Sutra
> Bal Gangadhar Tilak - The Arctic Home in the Vedas
Ironmarch will have more links when its up, I can recommend some Evola's writings on perennialism and Guenon.
Oughta get you started.
But Savitri, Serrano and Holzner are above the rest here, if you need to start somewhere. First Savitri, then the rest.
>Implying the Mysteries can't just be extracted from The Bible and Theosis.
Bog him.
Aren't the upper class in Mexico and South America basically just Spaniards and Portuguese?
Some of the nations upper classes are of german or Italian decent like Argentina Paraguay and Uruguay
Right, they rarely mixed
And if I remember right Columbia is a mix of german Italian and Spanish
Caser is the one to talk to about that stuff he knows all that
Isn't he white but of South America heritage?
OfC Brazil’s upper class is Portuguese Jews
He is of Iberian but from Venezuela