Message from @J-P
Discord ID: 653048823987568640
there's an online multiplayer thing
its not built in but it works
try castle crashers @Nerthulas its good for lans etc
yeah its more like a party game ayylmao
but its a lot of fun
anyone here plays hearthstone?
so i party with my rad interwebz nazi family
I will wishlist it
I used to play hearthstone <:autistic:435640902224969729>
nerth what was ur best rank finish??
card games are for mongoloids not gonna lie
I don't remember but not high
ok gtg
my was 32 legend
@J-P pre god card MTG is based
i quite cus everyone sucked
i need something more tangible than cards
why am i seeing this everywhere today
who care about that girl
u can tell what girls in sweden are alt right just by thier looks
I hope she likes hell
Anyone here play MYFAROG?
no but i know of it
varg game
There are no alt right girls where I live
Only devils
i only play minecraft, skribble, secret hitler, and 1-second chess
you don't find alt right girls, you make them
Yea I guess so
Hard to make a harlot into a housewife
@ayyycough i wanta buy it and play it