Message from @The Great One
Discord ID: 653050620655304715
i train my brain traning ur biceps is for low iq chads
My brain is good
All my peers and teachers say I'm smart
So ha
thats not a true statment
BTFO random gay person on the internet
@The Great One <:oof:399031884312739841>
im high iq my brain just needs sleep not whatever bs u do
why did u lose in chess in souch an emarising way then
train the body more then the brains if your smart you'll see the light some day
I didn't lose at all
U just cheated bc ur too low IQ to win on ur own merit
you'll be come a weak soyboy cuck faster then lowing iq points
black pidgeon speaks in the chat
Cause = the European mind
Effect = the muscles that bends the world to your will
@Leaf is linus tech tips
a physically weak man is one of the most distasteful things a man could be
Ur squidward
My bedroom is too small
i dont have a wife
@Leaf small bedroom is for small pp
a physically weak man is one of the most attractive things for real women. It shows ur prioritise ur brain and don't need brawn to get what u want @esotericpazuzuism
i have a child in slovenia
Bro what kind of cope is this
when i was 14
This is why Swedish women picked somalis over Swedish men
well its irony,i hope
@The Great One UR DUM
na most our women are just brainwashed feminist
no if i say im smarter then a randome person im right 99% of the time