Message from @themiddleman🐸

Discord ID: 653117516012322838

2019-12-08 06:14:02 UTC  

Denying Anglo clay

2019-12-08 06:14:11 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:14:12 UTC  

How am I denying Anglo clay

2019-12-08 06:14:14 UTC  

has finland been in any war as of recent?

2019-12-08 06:14:22 UTC  

Not really

2019-12-08 06:14:27 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:14:28 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:14:36 UTC  

tiny wars

2019-12-08 06:14:41 UTC  

Depends on what you mean by recent but yes lol

2019-12-08 06:14:45 UTC  

America not red South Africa and Namibia not red

2019-12-08 06:14:47 UTC  

"Tiny" is relative

2019-12-08 06:14:51 UTC  

America is not English

2019-12-08 06:14:56 UTC  

China not red

2019-12-08 06:15:00 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:15:10 UTC  

I never know what to do with it because of it's political history and ethnic ambiguity

2019-12-08 06:15:14 UTC  

The USA that is

2019-12-08 06:15:19 UTC  

The anglos want all the clay

2019-12-08 06:15:26 UTC  

America is British property

2019-12-08 06:15:28 UTC  

Anglos shouldn't rule China and the Boers should be independent

2019-12-08 06:15:41 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:15:50 UTC  

Lets see, who has been in somekind of conflict using combined arms recently: USA, RU, Syria, Iran, etc

2019-12-08 06:15:51 UTC  

Boers can go home then

2019-12-08 06:15:57 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:16:02 UTC  

You can go home

2019-12-08 06:16:05 UTC  

France maybe, but they run out of supplies real quick

2019-12-08 06:16:08 UTC  

Anglo invaded

2019-12-08 06:16:10 UTC  

Anglos have more land than they know what to do with

2019-12-08 06:16:13 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:16:14 UTC  

South Africa is my home

2019-12-08 06:16:18 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:16:21 UTC  

and they're wasting it so Jews can exploit them for commerce

2019-12-08 06:16:24 UTC  

I live with my rabbit

2019-12-08 06:16:26 UTC  

@Leaf we still need more

2019-12-08 06:16:30 UTC  

and brown people can live in their homes

2019-12-08 06:16:36 UTC  

Anywhere red roses grow is rightful Anglo clay

2019-12-08 06:16:40 UTC  

Anglo invaded taking advantage of Napoleon

2019-12-08 06:16:55 UTC  

@happysmiley the parts of south Africa where the majority of Anglos settled is still included in that map

2019-12-08 06:17:05 UTC  

The only reason that this happened is the yank was subverted by the Jew

2019-12-08 06:17:13 UTC  

So were the Anglos

2019-12-08 06:17:19 UTC  

MORE MAP @Deleted User

2019-12-08 06:17:25 UTC  

Jew subverted the world