Message from @Weaboo Kempeitai

Discord ID: 661450309272338443

2019-12-31 05:58:20 UTC  

Just got Battlefront 2.

2019-12-31 05:58:34 UTC  

For all that new content and only £12, it's a steal.

2019-12-31 05:59:27 UTC  

@Weaboo Kempeitai r u a religious

2019-12-31 05:59:30 UTC  


2019-12-31 05:59:37 UTC  

Erm, strictly speaking, no.

2019-12-31 05:59:57 UTC  

I'm not a hardcore atheist, but I'm not a practicing beleiver in any faith.

2019-12-31 06:00:04 UTC  


2019-12-31 06:00:32 UTC  

Do you subscribe to the Hoppean form of Libertarianism?

2019-12-31 06:02:26 UTC  

I don't really consider myself a Libertarian anymore, but I like Hoppe.

2019-12-31 06:02:40 UTC  

He's still the best Libertarian, still living, at least.

2019-12-31 06:03:04 UTC  

Argumentation Ethics makes more sense than most arguments Libertarians put forward for the existence of natural rights.

2019-12-31 06:03:10 UTC  

I think anyone who is in favor of cocaine can’t be too bad of a cuck shitlib

2019-12-31 06:03:34 UTC  

I'm ideologically confused and too lazy to read.

2019-12-31 06:04:56 UTC  

if weaboo no longer considers himself a libertarian, then what is he?

2019-12-31 06:05:02 UTC  

this is a shocking development

2019-12-31 06:05:05 UTC  


2019-12-31 06:05:19 UTC  

A ipropertarian

2019-12-31 06:05:55 UTC  

an ibuprofentarian?

2019-12-31 06:06:00 UTC  

The final redpill is moral nihilism

2019-12-31 06:06:34 UTC  

Once you recognize all meaning is subjective and arbitrary you realize there’s not much point in having an ideal political philosophy

2019-12-31 06:07:22 UTC  

Probably, if I wasn't lazy I'd read Doolittle. I think some of his ideas are pretty retarded, though, like criminalising lying in the public sphere.

2019-12-31 06:07:39 UTC  

And thinking the 2nd American civil war will happen and we'd win.

2019-12-31 06:07:50 UTC  

Fed shit.

2019-12-31 06:08:02 UTC  

The answer to most questions becomes “it depends” or “it’s complicated”. Then brainlets like darth Dawkins think they can btfo you because you won’t give them simple answers to overly simplistic questions

2019-12-31 06:08:47 UTC  

I wanna see the dr Doolittle movie

2019-12-31 06:08:54 UTC  

The trailer looked comfy

2019-12-31 06:09:04 UTC  

Atheists tend to be the most moralistic people out there. It's just that they moralize about social justice or NAP.

2019-12-31 06:09:55 UTC  

Religion causes conflict! You use it to control people so they'll die to elevate you to a position of power!


2019-12-31 06:10:39 UTC  

I tend to think morality is the greatest source of “evil” because it really motivates people to deprive others of free will and to impose a way of living on them rather than limiting their actions based on their own practical concerns

2019-12-31 06:10:39 UTC  

Nick Land is confusing. He's like Doolittle x2 in terms of being enormously verbose, or at least, most of fanged nounema, that appears to he the case, but FN is more of a compilation of abstract philosophical poetry than legitimate theory like Thirst for Annihilation.

2019-12-31 06:10:41 UTC  

Doolittle is woke

2019-12-31 06:11:09 UTC  

doolittle sniffs his own farts

2019-12-31 06:11:16 UTC  


2019-12-31 06:11:21 UTC  

Actually The Dark Enlightenment is pretty understandable and well-written imo.

2019-12-31 06:11:34 UTC  

Nick Land seems like a combination of Nick at Nite and TV Land

2019-12-31 06:11:41 UTC  

I am on ibuprofen tn

2019-12-31 06:12:16 UTC  

Yes, that's true, but that dosen't mean there aren't good ideas underneath all the crappy long-winded Facebook posts full of jargon. @esotericpazuzuism

2019-12-31 06:12:21 UTC  

No one can enlighten me at this point except quantum theorists and mathematicians

2019-12-31 06:12:36 UTC  

The bible proverbs are pretty enlightening

2019-12-31 06:12:59 UTC  

That's the issue with Doolittle, he literally dosen't want to be understood. It dosen't seem to have much to do with good ideas, as much as it is about looking smart. Moldbug does this too, actually.

2019-12-31 06:13:10 UTC  

doubtful hobos are pretty enlightened