Message from @Odalman
Discord ID: 412986755038445580
Commander Davis is quite good with embroidery
He and his waifu
Man... so it’s totally cool when jews do it...
When we try to do it, we are nazis and literally hitler
Speaking of, I got into a debate yesterday where I simply discussed the JQ. This dude didn’t even know what “JQ” meant so I focused the debate solely on that and the only response I ever got from him was that I’m a Nazi for accusing Jews of wrongdoing
Typical leftist strats
I presented objective evidence but the fact that I even said “Jews” triggered this guy so hard that he couldn’t even think for himself
I wish I could do big debates against the likes of Sargon and shit but I’m a nobody so no one would watch
I would be quite good at it I think
I did well in debate in high school and have always loved the art of debate
So these niggers...
Post dank nigger memes !
You're doing it
@FashyGoy1488 remember sargon doesn't want to debate he wants to ask questions and not tell you his special secret plan for the white race
Need to add a square where I rant fanatically about how the two Matts need to make up their mind about what they want me to do with the DAMN FUCKING POWERPOINT
Actually didn't his plan end up being we become jews or something
Also, I'm not as slight and feminine as those women 😥
Well now that you've cut down on alcohol maybe that'll change
You've got this
Yeah, I'm gonna gain weight lmao
Jk I signed up at the gym
I thought it worked the other way
Now that I'm not hungover and stuff I have the energy to work out
Nah, my body craves the carbs, sugar, and calories that I used to drink
I just gotta adjust over time.
I already ordered the pre workout, bcaa supplements, and protein I used to use
I know how to get buff, I used to do it in the military. Just takes dedication and consistency