Message from @The Great One

Discord ID: 669381114749648931

2020-01-22 03:17:42 UTC  

As with objective truths/universal ethics, those are likewise found among many races and lacking among a great volume of whites

2020-01-22 03:18:16 UTC  

It seems as if generally, you like conservative individuals, who are intelligent, independent, and very ethical

2020-01-22 03:18:23 UTC  

Great, but that is not race specific

2020-01-22 03:18:36 UTC  

being so dumb you chose to type shit in chat rather then spending 1 sec to scroll upp

2020-01-22 03:18:37 UTC  

My love for my race doesn't preclude me from loving people of other races. Nor do I believe that my people are without considerable room for improvement.

2020-01-22 03:18:45 UTC  

low iq fad blocked

2020-01-22 03:18:57 UTC  

Holy shit fucking bodied

2020-01-22 03:19:07 UTC  

Did you just say universal ethics?

2020-01-22 03:19:08 UTC  


2020-01-22 03:19:22 UTC  

Every time I hear that it makes me want to convert to Judaism & dual morality you to death

2020-01-22 03:20:10 UTC  

They are winning

2020-01-22 03:20:12 UTC  

You are losing

2020-01-22 03:20:15 UTC  

Your values suck

2020-01-22 03:20:15 UTC  

@The Great One shutup retard

2020-01-22 03:20:21 UTC  

They are values of losers

2020-01-22 03:20:36 UTC  

I'm not sure you understand what I mean by universal ethics.

2020-01-22 03:20:39 UTC  

@Miniature Menace Sure, I can understand. I love people from many races too, including and especially whites by nature of where I grew up and live. But then why want an ethnostate?🤔Surely you would be fine with intelligent, independent, ethical and conservative individuals from any race?

2020-01-22 03:20:50 UTC  

@The Great One can eat shit

2020-01-22 03:21:13 UTC  

for being an average IQ larper

2020-01-22 03:21:24 UTC  

@Duck tail
Sometimes the greatest truths of the universe are paradoxical

2020-01-22 03:21:34 UTC  

im 0% nerd 100% high iq your 0% high iq and 100% larper

2020-01-22 03:22:03 UTC  

How can you be high IQ and not atleast slightly nerdy?

2020-01-22 03:22:09 UTC  

Seems weird

2020-01-22 03:22:14 UTC  

that math proves how retarded you actually are. Why do you insist on being seen as smart on the internet? does this impress your mother?

2020-01-22 03:22:23 UTC  

Retarded nerds are everywhere

2020-01-22 03:22:31 UTC  

Mostly at MTG tournaments

2020-01-22 03:22:42 UTC  

And comic shops

2020-01-22 03:23:04 UTC  

Golden Dragon is obviously a fed #blocked

2020-01-22 03:23:11 UTC  

@Big Ben Assuming a hard enough filter on those attributes, and a reasonable approach to dealing with the side effects of mixed breeding, it would certainly be preferable to *no filter.* Perhaps even better, depending on how that filter is operated. But I strongly suspect, and both experience and research seems to suggest that any such filter, consistently applied would still end up including *mostly* white people, while also excluding many white people.

2020-01-22 03:23:33 UTC  

That is, given sufficient time, as well.

2020-01-22 03:23:49 UTC  

Isn't that just a detailed definition of your character? @The Great One

2020-01-22 03:24:06 UTC  

i put 2h a week work in at school and still get top tier grades spend the rest of my time just doing things i like

2020-01-22 03:24:31 UTC  

Big brain gets good grades that means he has a high IQ

2020-01-22 03:24:39 UTC  

ever heard of genetics idiot?

2020-01-22 03:24:50 UTC  


2020-01-22 03:24:50 UTC  

That's going to turn out to be not so good for you in the long run @The Great One

2020-01-22 03:25:01 UTC  

Easy come easy go

2020-01-22 03:25:07 UTC  

damn ur even lower iq i tought lowkey

2020-01-22 03:25:30 UTC  

not rly im doing fine finalcialy and healthwise @Jung Thug