Message from @Emperor of Atlantis

Discord ID: 670905420700844045

2020-01-26 08:11:57 UTC  

the worst part will probably be the cold, potential food spoilage, and not being able to cook, if that happens

2020-01-26 08:11:59 UTC  

also boredom

2020-01-26 08:12:03 UTC  

here, with all the green failing energy, I expect the grid to already have gone down

2020-01-26 08:12:20 UTC  

I live in a pretty rural area

2020-01-26 08:12:55 UTC  

I don't expect the disease to affect this area too bad if it gets out of control, but we're also likely to be one of the later places utilities will be restored if things go very wrong

2020-01-26 08:13:05 UTC  

not the last place, mind you, but not a high priority

2020-01-26 08:14:05 UTC  

The German's taken I'm asking the cute Indian girl

2020-01-26 08:14:20 UTC  


2020-01-26 08:14:26 UTC  

feather or dot?

2020-01-26 08:14:42 UTC  

tried the poem?

2020-01-26 08:15:10 UTC  

if yes and she didn't like it tell her she can stay and shall never return onto the continent

2020-01-26 08:15:27 UTC  

She got herself Kontinentalverbot!

2020-01-26 08:16:36 UTC  

im going in court tomorrow

2020-01-26 08:16:45 UTC  

without a lawyer

2020-01-26 08:17:37 UTC  

something serious or like, just a traffic ticket tier thing?

2020-01-26 08:18:11 UTC  

insulting a coworker

2020-01-26 08:18:25 UTC  

you can go to court for that?

2020-01-26 08:18:35 UTC  


2020-01-26 08:18:36 UTC  

is this real? wtf?

2020-01-26 08:18:40 UTC  

where do you live, canada, sweden, or the UK?

2020-01-26 08:19:07 UTC  

eastern europe

2020-01-26 08:19:40 UTC  

meh i dont really care

2020-01-26 08:19:44 UTC  

i will go there

2020-01-26 08:19:57 UTC  

listen carefully what they say

2020-01-26 08:20:16 UTC  

and disprove it

2020-01-26 08:20:27 UTC  

if i fail i fail.

2020-01-26 08:20:40 UTC  

but i aint giving anyone money

2020-01-26 08:20:53 UTC  

and no one is going to make me

2020-01-26 08:25:30 UTC  

@Emperor of Atlantis i posted links to relevant national post articles about it 2 days ago

2020-01-26 08:28:14 UTC  
2020-01-26 08:29:11 UTC

2020-01-26 08:29:39 UTC

2020-01-26 08:32:10 UTC

2020-01-26 08:35:48 UTC  

what type of insult gets your a court date? @The Living Paradox

2020-01-26 08:36:43 UTC  

damn I just watched Shutter Island again - it's better than I remembered, and they really hit the nail on the head with mentally ill people imagining that Nazis are everywhere

2020-01-26 08:38:11 UTC  


2020-01-26 08:40:19 UTC  

I really liked this scene. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about it

2020-01-26 08:44:16 UTC  

based Warden Fuguer

2020-01-26 08:44:19 UTC  

Holy shit Reddit is based.