Message from @tom (twp)
Discord ID: 300774342562676746
undercover cop stabs tool of the right
I mean tool of the left
I live in one of the biggest nigger infested cities in the Union, I'd be down if I could find some more goys
Well, I mean, in the States you don't get punished for self-defense as a general rule I would imagine.
Ironically blacks werent really in antifa
How so?
it was mainly skinny manlet whites
Depends on who you are & who the 'victim' is. At least where I am.
the surrounding blacks were actally agreeing with us at the start before the commies showed up
based blacks meme
well they dont like intervention or mexicans either generally...
Well, at least they're better than gypsies.
Gypsies are bad
No experience with gypsies but inner city niggers are pretty horrible
Gypsies are separate from the rest of humanity as irredeemable parasite species.
Along with kikes.
Niggers >gypsies
Say one gypsy who has once, ever, in any singular case positively contributed to humanity
Even a nigger has to have invented at least 1 out of things they have claimed
Like some food recipe maybe?
Not peanut butter
Maybe some soul food
Been around since aztecs
Lol apparently they invented potato chips or something, it was some article on ds
They can BBQ like nothing else
About the 20 things the blacks take with them if they leave America or some bullshit
But yeah, gypsies are not even human fucking beings. They're irredeemable. They're the only race its politically correct to hate in Europe consistently everywhere, because you cannot find even that one good example to tout in TV.
Even my normie friends agree they should be just straight up exterminated.
I guess normie is a pretty relative. I mean non-nazi and non-intensely patriotic but still pretty cool.
Gyppodeath is just a rational position. You can't even ship them anywhere.
Sounds horrible
But on the other hand, they're responsible for redpilling 90% of ex-commie shitholes about race.
Does your government try to force integrate them into your communities?
They have been trying for 500 years I guess. Soviet Union couldn't do it, we sure as hell won't be either.
Even when I was a red, I was woke on the jq