Message from @SwedeScania
Discord ID: 277658584106401792
We need to back our side.
Stack things for us.
@Odalist Refrain I cannot work on propaganda until I get these insignias done
In fact
We need to use twitter smart
While I w8 for click, is that ireland guy still here?
What are some smart hashtags to redpill normies at?
Lets get some sweet patches and/or buttons going
Where's CLick at?
Think he's working on doing the flag for the American insignia
He said he was going to do it and hasn't been back since so yeah
@Maximus No
Dont do this
We have to separate ourselves from 4chan
Or at least our image
Normies will hate us if we associate ourselves with 4chan
Fuck that.
I've got a 4 of clubs in my wallet if l meet a /k/unt
i wish the US wasnt so big it would be much easier to organize
Kek @GoGo
Still not doing it.
What self defense weapon can i use if i cant get a fucking baton, spray or tazzer?
There's no way we can do a 4 of clubs
Just keep the card in your wallet if you want, this needs to be separate
We HAVE to drift away from association to 4chan if we want to do this
@SwedeScania Let's get US Anticom organized, then we'll take care of Europe
Or else we will die
Any armband is stupid
well just beat people with poles since were from pol /s
@SwedeScania Hey me and you can work on your country's insignia now actually
Since Blink is working on the American flag in the center of the American insignia