Message from @Dr.Cocopuff | KY
Discord ID: 416384294777520128
Y'all some degenerate niggas
"You have no idea how bad things really are"
where do i go
okcupid is BAD
Idk where to go 😦
You literally aren't going to find any woman worth a single squirt of your baby batter on tinder
That's a very vulgar way of putting it
And you don't need the discouragement of looking into that endless void of thottery
But that kinky girl gave me hope
I've used tinder for awhile
Never found shit
Okay, try it your way. I'll be here to wipe away your tears son.
Or I can just hire a PROSTITUTE to wipe tears away
You're not going to find anything on that whore app
I suggest you do something productive with your time
Everything is the problem with hookers
You spend a month wondering about going to a doctor, and wondering why you just didn't go eat at tumbleweed for 3 days straight instead.
Heimbach and I are now in Tennessee. He said to tell you that he will beat your ass if you hire a prostitute.
The fuck is a tumbleweed
The best resteraunt
Can I order that instead of a prostitute
If i had the options of 5 goth GF's and a life time supply of hydrocodone.
FINE if the boss says I'm not allowed to hire a prostitute then I won't hire a prostitute
I'd pick tumbleweed
@patron Saint of EATIN Show him that kinky chick and ask if he approves though
>Get into trouble
"Oh hey want to go do a favor for me"
Lol i saw that
But I like sticc @patron Saint of EATIN
Beggars can't be choosers
Ur not down with the thiccness?
@Fevs i get the feeling she would just hurt you anyway