Message from @AP-1138

Discord ID: 571764641315684352

2019-04-27 18:13:48 UTC  


2019-04-27 18:22:08 UTC  


2019-04-27 18:22:18 UTC  

It was more jest than anything else

2019-04-27 18:22:41 UTC  

2D are incapable of reciprocating love, well, because they’re drawings.

2019-04-27 18:23:10 UTC  


2019-04-27 18:23:19 UTC  

pixels can't reciprocate love either

2019-04-27 18:23:42 UTC  

By 3D I mean actual women

2019-04-27 18:23:51 UTC  

Wouldn;t that be 4D

2019-04-27 18:23:56 UTC  


2019-04-27 18:24:21 UTC  

The whole thing was originally coined on /a/ back in the ancient days of 4chan, I’m pretty sure

2019-04-27 18:24:42 UTC  

4D is time, so yes

2019-04-27 18:24:51 UTC  

X, Y, Z and Time

2019-04-27 18:25:59 UTC  

I think that computer 3D stuff would be more like 2 1/2D

2019-04-27 18:26:19 UTC  

If we consider real life to be 3D

2019-04-27 18:27:20 UTC  

Real life is 4D

2019-04-27 18:27:27 UTC  

Because time is added to the equation

2019-04-27 18:27:56 UTC  

Computer 3D stuff is, yeah, 2 1/2D

2019-04-27 18:27:56 UTC  

I guess

2019-04-27 18:28:02 UTC  

Because it's not really 3D

2019-04-27 18:28:13 UTC  

It's a model representing it

2019-04-27 18:28:33 UTC  


2019-04-27 22:29:20 UTC  

How do I not hate women

2019-04-27 22:39:30 UTC  

By remembering that there are still good women out there worth fighting for and that you must continue your blood line, for you are the culmination of your ancestors and your children will then be the culmination of your ancestors. To preserve your race and help propagate it. To raise your children to be God fearing individuals who will help make the world turn back to God.

2019-04-27 22:39:42 UTC  

By hoping, praying, and not worrying

2019-04-27 22:40:32 UTC  

By placing absolute trust in God that He has a handle on it all and that if you’re meant to be married, it will happen. If you aren’t, then God will provide you with another path that will lead you to happiness

2019-04-27 22:41:37 UTC  

Women may cause a lot of trouble, but that’s only because most of the westernized ones are propagandized to think and act they way they currently do.

2019-04-27 22:42:06 UTC  

But at the end of the day, it takes both a man and a woman to raise a family and help God to create life

2019-04-27 22:43:02 UTC  

So we may as well love the ones who are worth loving and make sure to protect them with everything we have

2019-04-27 22:44:22 UTC  

**Sirach 6:14-16 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)**

**14 A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter:
he that has found one has found a treasure.
15 There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend,
and no scales can measure his excellence.
16 A faithful friend is an elixir of life;
and those who fear the Lord will find him.**

2019-04-27 22:44:38 UTC  

Marry one who you become best friends with

2019-04-27 22:44:45 UTC  

And you will have no trouble loving her

2019-04-28 00:42:57 UTC  

I have a question, can other religions practice exorcisms?

2019-04-28 00:44:03 UTC  

they seem to have the same problems too, not just Catholicism and the other heretical denominations.

2019-04-28 01:00:21 UTC  

I believe they have their own way of dealing with it, but I don't think it's fully an exorcism

2019-04-28 01:14:50 UTC  

Every other religion ends up calling a Catholic priest to deal with it

2019-04-28 01:14:55 UTC  

Every single time

2019-04-28 01:15:21 UTC  

Their methods may or may not work for a bit, but then they inevitably fail

2019-04-28 01:15:29 UTC  

And then they call the Church

2019-04-28 01:16:11 UTC  

It’s all fun and games until demons start fuckin with ya and you need a Catholic priest to come exorcise it

2019-04-28 01:16:14 UTC  

yeah it's not fully done

2019-04-28 01:16:25 UTC  

Only Catholics can deal with them