Message from @NotSoBot
Discord ID: 559202336413712385
.chan k
USS Constitution edition old: >>40937329 >LYING ABOUT MEDICAL HISTORY = BIG YES >LEEING ABOUT CRIMINAL HISTORY = THEY KNOW >Do your own research to start, then come here for clarification. >No vague questions, like "What job is best?" /meg/ official discord (embed) Guides to prepare for high-speed shit. (SEAL, Ranger etc.) Resources: For Ranger info, obviously. SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF. For all Army SF info. For Navy Corpsman info. howthread.php?115180-MARSOC-Force-R econ This is an all-inclusive thread for MARSOC/Force Recon stuff. For Coast Guard info. Good site, lots of vets able to answer questions. ty/ >Naval Aviator forum with info on Navy OCS as well nt/prerequ/woft.shtml US Army High school to Flight school Before you ask a question, check the FAQ > (embed) >Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke? Maybe. (embed) tl;dr: Long hard school, long work hours, with good job prospects. It's definitely not for everyone or even most people in general. CG info -and-friends/the-helmsman/required- knowledge ASVAB for Dummys!XuhSWQgb!ycwEyBz1 J-DZx_GOsAxmSQCduAImNuzTRswqfRb-x-w READ THIS BEFORE ASKING CLEARANCE QUESTIONS SF86.pdf
.chan gif
What is the song about?
.chan gif
>>14698476 being a fucking nerd sitting like a fucking meditatting Indian all the time has its benefits once you lose enough weight
.chan gif
>>14694431 jesus that dude has some swag.
.chan r9k
Show your love for women. They're just so soft and huggable, I want to cuddle them to death!
.chan gif
>>14691486 You're a pathetic faggot. Don't ruin a girl for your sick interests but if she's sane enough she would leave you first.
two opposite spectrums lel
.chan s
>>18760158 >>18760154
.chan fit
>>50116354 Well I just had a run in with loser friends so to speak. Never had close friends, no one I really consistently hung out with. I linked up with the one person I hung out with in first grade and we’d become friends again, live less than 5 minutes away so I would hang with him and some of his friends pretty often. But he kept trying to drag me down. He dropped out of college and has to rely on his mother to get him jobs or just low income waging. Just smokes pot and plays vidya. Anytime I mentioned my plans he would find a problem with it and try his best to talk me out of them. I realized what it was, it would have crushed him to see me do better than him. He’s a legal midget too and I’m over 6 feet. It’s sad and I was a genuine friend to him, even went out of my way to help him with a lot of shit. But you ask him a favor? He calls you a person user. Disgusting greedy jew dwarf who will go no where in life. This was the one friend I’ve ever had, and now I don’t fcuking want any. So long as I’m making money and I’m good health I’ll do just fucking fine. That’s a bit of a cope though, I wish I had a group of friends or a social circle even.
.chan v
Yes. Isabelle was canonically secretary for General Pepper during the Lylat Wars, before she settled down for a more peaceful career.
.chan v
.chan his
>>6344523 He specifically didn't say that.
.chan his
Yo, so Scythians and Celts are linked by R1b, how did Yamnaya became Scythians and how did Yamnaya became Halstatt Celts? I mean, I went to wikipedia and clicked on the previous populations from Hallstatt and it led me to Corded Ware, but that can't be since Corded Ware are R1a and Celts are R1b. How all of this happened? Celts seem to have similar coins to Scythians with the horse as main theme and even some with somebody riding the horse in very similar style. What's the link between Scythians and Celts? When did they lost connection? How did Celts managed to appear on the other side of the Corded Ware cloud? Was the crossing violent? So many questions... Pic sort of unrelated.
.chan gif
>>14674236 I don't know how he can be so still. When I'm cumming I'm twitching and writhing like a spaz.
.chan po
All old papercraft forums are dying and almos all links there are dead for more than 2 years and after my hard drive died i decided that i'll share everything that i could recover from it also i urge you to share your collections so they won't dissapear like mine did TOwUI78y3D0k63uTxC7-G5bArKQP0Sr
.chan r9k
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!
.chan r9k
ITT: its 2007, your on a sunny school field listing to songs on your ipod whilst your emo friends act "Kawaii" vs-l5dkc
.chan b
On average, are old people smarter or dumber? Also, is age overrated?
.chan tg
.chan b
>>795741255 >>795740687 >>795743346 >>795740587 >>795743673 >>795742306 >>795740907 >>795742559 >>795743427
.chan b
>>795743013 found the 15 year old