Message from @Arkona 92

Discord ID: 566601546532651008

2019-04-12 16:27:55 UTC  

>>51901668 omg i cant even respond to all of them

2019-04-12 16:28:15 UTC  

.chan k

2019-04-12 16:28:15 UTC  

>>41162044 >>41162055 All aboard the Scheer dub-train of whitepills into the future. They won't take our handguns, or go any further now id like to think. Summer is about a month and a half away and will leave any hope for bans, confiscations, or reclassifications dead in the water. Prohib list kill soon with coming election, gotta stay whitepilled :)

2019-04-12 16:52:32 UTC  

.chan b

2019-04-12 16:52:32 UTC  

> Carry most STDs. > Lowest IQ race on the planet. > Most likely to murder their girlfriends for no reason. > Highest unemployment and welfare rates. > Laziest, dumbest race on the planet. > Can't even run their own country of Africa without burning it down. > Have the highest crime rates in every country they populate. > Most likely to murder their own kind. > Most high school dropouts. > Make the most degenerate "music" and "art". > Too stupid to play real instruments.

2019-04-12 16:53:01 UTC  


2019-04-12 18:22:02 UTC  

.chan lit

2019-04-12 18:22:03 UTC  

guys I am starting to worry that butterfly, my one true love, might just be a dude larping. I'm not gay! What are some self help books for this feel :3

2019-04-12 18:22:19 UTC  

.chan x

2019-04-12 18:22:19 UTC  

>>22499055 thats a lot of shape pron OP. all those circles on circles and you even got hexes and triangles getting in on it. a lot of holes being filled. its pretty dirty you degenerate

2019-04-12 21:03:12 UTC  

.chan lit

2019-04-12 21:03:13 UTC  

Did you ever felt like Odysseus with Calypso? How did you escape?

2019-04-12 22:55:36 UTC  

.chan lgbt

2019-04-12 22:55:37 UTC  

>>12259232 Is sex that bad?

2019-04-13 01:02:50 UTC  

.chan b

2019-04-13 01:02:51 UTC  

>>797255546 Weed brings on high grade paranoia and psychosis,bro.I tried hash hoping it would chill me out but instead I went on some kind of day-long bad trip. Never again.

2019-04-13 03:15:56 UTC  

.chan diy

2019-04-13 03:15:56 UTC  

>>1591045 >current limiting deal

2019-04-13 04:29:21 UTC  

.chan lit

2019-04-13 04:29:22 UTC  

>>12919920 David Foster Wallace

2019-04-13 12:32:15 UTC  

.chan lit

2019-04-13 12:32:16 UTC  

>>12926869 Turns out old greasy Jewish men hate life and write their holy scripture accordingly. Meanwhile a white man is the polar opposite, therefore deserving the judeochristian smear title: Antichrist.

2019-04-13 14:13:41 UTC  

.chan lit

2019-04-13 14:13:42 UTC  

Finished this. What’s next? What can even come close to this?

2019-04-13 14:15:25 UTC  

.chan b

2019-04-13 14:15:25 UTC  

>>797293463 How much cum do you think this man has...

2019-04-13 14:26:34 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-04-13 14:26:35 UTC  

>qt girl gets on bus w/ me >get off bus at South Campus and train is waiting on platform >Ohshit.exe >qt and I speed walk for it >The front most doors close when still 20ft away >Dang.png >Middle doors still open >qt runs for it >But she has a nice skirt on and is trying to be modest >Door closing >I sprint past her >get to the door; can't fit body though >Standclearoftheclosingdoorsplease. oog >She catches up, smiles Felt like a god after using my athleticism for qt

2019-04-13 14:27:13 UTC  


2019-04-13 14:27:18 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-04-13 14:27:18 UTC  

You dumb faggots told me we're winning the culture war

2019-04-13 14:27:31 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-04-13 14:27:32 UTC  

Why are you posting a man face, are you coming out of the closet?

2019-04-13 14:27:48 UTC  

.chan r9k

2019-04-13 14:27:49 UTC  

>>51915509 women are already trying to do that, but it isn't working since some of those women are womanlets as well and men have no height preferences

2019-04-13 14:33:39 UTC  

.chan leftypol

2019-04-13 14:33:40 UTC  

Invalid Board!

2019-04-13 14:33:49 UTC  

Chan b

2019-04-13 14:34:01 UTC  

.chan b

2019-04-13 14:34:01 UTC  

Girls you've cum inside of.

2019-04-13 16:11:27 UTC  

.chan gif