Message from @NotSoBot

Discord ID: 637094870774710294

2019-10-25 01:04:40 UTC  

>believing anything General Mills and Kellogs said fifty years ago

2019-10-25 01:04:48 UTC  

.chan v

2019-10-25 01:04:48 UTC  

>english localization >adds sexual innuendos where there weren't any >also removes butts What is the logic?

2019-10-25 01:05:02 UTC  

.chan tv

2019-10-25 01:05:02 UTC  

>>123042839 Full version: mD6TazQ

2019-10-25 01:05:10 UTC  

I'm not clicking that

2019-10-25 01:05:23 UTC  

tv ppl are weird

2019-10-25 01:06:28 UTC  


2019-10-25 01:06:36 UTC  

.chan h

2019-10-25 01:06:37 UTC  

>>5492700 >>5492768 I agree

2019-10-25 01:06:40 UTC  


2019-10-25 01:06:44 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-10-25 01:06:44 UTC  

>>230999639 Snowden is an American citizen who, as best I can tell, sincerely believed the US had legitimate grounds for covert operations, but that the mass surveillance was illegitimate, immoral, and unconstitutional. Releasing the toolbox would allow America's enemies (who did exist, even then!) to use it against the US. It would not STOP the American government from using them against the US. Releasing all his information unedited would run a high risk of compromising operations that Snowden believed were JUSTIFIED as well as ones that he thought weren't. Assange is a megalomaniac attention whore whose political goals come decidedly second to Making Sure People Notice Him. He has no loyalty to the American government, legal system, or Constitution. Releasing the toolbox unedited brings the maximum attention to Assange, so that is what he does. >>231000347 >And right now Julian Assange is slowly being killed in a british jail, That's sad. He SHOULD be in Sweden facing trial for the real crimes he committed, not in Britain awaiting extradition to the US for bullshit political offenses. (Ten to one if he's extradited to the US he'll die of 'suicide' or 'health problems', because dead men can't spill the beans about what they did for the Trump 2016 campaign.)

2019-10-25 01:07:05 UTC  

.chan fit

2019-10-25 01:07:06 UTC  

yeah I lift for godhood. Oh what's that ? Your religion says you can't ascend ? wew

2019-10-25 01:07:16 UTC  

.chan fit

2019-10-25 01:07:17 UTC  

>>52913997 Yes, don't listen to the jews who bitch about cholesterol, our brains are made of fucking cholesterol. Eggs are great bulking fuel and easy to prepare.

2019-10-25 01:07:26 UTC  

.chan fit

2019-10-25 01:07:27 UTC  

>>52913997 Yes, don't listen to the jews who bitch about cholesterol, our brains are made of fucking cholesterol. Eggs are great bulking fuel and easy to prepare.

2019-10-25 01:07:33 UTC  

.chan fit

2019-10-25 01:07:33 UTC  

Yeah, i gotta stop being a dirty coomer, its hard not to with how its been lately, and it helps keep me distracted. starting today no more cooming

2019-10-25 16:04:50 UTC  

.chan his

2019-10-25 16:04:50 UTC  

We are supposed to believe that early humans, completely barefoot, ran at marathon speed across the wild after prey for literally hours until prey was too tired. I mean some humans my have done this, rarely, but the belief that this was some major aspect of early human existence that drove our evolutionary path fails on many level. >there's no evidence that early humans did this. >human feet are no designed to run barefoot in the wild, we'd get easily cut by rocks, human skin is too fragile. >humans were prey too. the whole strategy sounds dangerous. >humans are actually NOT the "best endurance runners in the world", we get outrun by horses (which are carrying a 135lb person on their back) just to give one example where this claim was actually put to the test. checkout the Man versus Horse Marathon, a horse has ran 22 miles in 1h20min. Good luck beating that. >even if we were the best endurance runners, if the prey is healthy they'd just lose us with top speed, which goes back to the reason this is a meme, the only way "persistent hunting" would ever work would be through entrapment an injuring your prey, but in this case the main strategy is entrapment and throwing damn rocks and spears, if you had to run after them for hours is because you fucking failed and you're on to plan B >it's just a waste of calories compared to much more intelligent and energy-efficient hunting techniques, for which we actually have evidence of being employed

2019-10-25 16:05:19 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-10-25 16:05:20 UTC  

>>231062230 I know it's a joke but there must be black people who think Wakanda is real.

2019-10-25 16:05:39 UTC  

.chan lit

2019-10-25 16:05:40 UTC  

>>14054421 damn son, this could've been another monster slaying if only you could get in touch with the homo aesthetic gods like empedocles with his volcano

2019-10-25 16:06:03 UTC  

.chan mu

2019-10-25 16:06:03 UTC  

Lord of this World is Geezer's best lyric Change my mind

2019-10-25 22:15:46 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-10-25 22:15:47 UTC  

>>231084842 >gun >stolen goods yup, that's a nigger allright

2019-10-25 22:16:00 UTC  

.chan b

2019-10-25 22:16:00 UTC  

>>812603307 Good she like making you nice and hard for her

2019-10-25 22:16:11 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-10-25 22:16:11 UTC  

>>231092012 I like sluts too

2019-10-25 22:16:22 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-10-25 22:16:22 UTC  

>>231082054 top kek, that's awesome.

2019-10-25 22:16:34 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-10-25 22:16:35 UTC  

>>231094336 I doubt it, I don't think judges have the authority to order declassification or unredaction.

2019-10-25 22:16:47 UTC  


2019-10-25 22:16:48 UTC  

>>8213005 be careful what you wishe for