Message from @
Discord ID: 554907716355751948
The Eastern Orthodox Church said Orthodox women can’t breed with foreigners
And Islam states that men can’t breed with foreigners
So the Ottoman invasions did more harm to the Turks than to the Balkans
Modern Turks are nothing like their pre-Ottoman
Due to Turkish women marrying Balkan men
I've met Turks who were Orthodox
The ottomans cucked themselves
Is this the place where I'm allowed to say the gamer word?
Apparently saying 'homosexuality is a mental disease' is not against facebook hate speech policies, they restored 2 of my posts saying this and my page with the same name is still up after 3 days of homo raids
They blocked my appeals cause i called them niggers and faggots once lol
That's one way to go
Nothing better than ending in your own terms
People that countersignal yang gang without understanding the core meaning behind the meme are too far behind the bellcurve to even register
It’s a waste of time at best
No matter what direction you want to spin it
I've never even heard of him till now
Its very entertaining at the very least
Dance around as the mother burns
It’s also a cause of stumbling for others who will actually end up liking his ideas because of this autistic propagation
Absolutely degenerate and appears as hypocrisy on the part of Christians who go along with the meme for those on the outside looking in
And your alternative is?
Focus on God.
Lead people to God
And how do we go about doing that?
Not posting stupid memes about some reprobate to start
Ban memes
So you saying we should divorce ourselves from politics?
There is no political salvation
But how do we do that if so many of us are attached to the status quo?
Change people’s hearts by telling them about God