Message from @CRYSS ⳩
Discord ID: 555088780441157633
Cradles are more likely to apostatize too
Converts are more likely to ruin everything
Cradles take for granted what they have had
You got rabid sectarians that screech at the sight of a catholic on one side and crypto-communist infiltrators that havent given up their previous convictions on the other
Hence why Orthodoxy in USA is a hit or miss
Whereas back at home it remains steadfast.
So what are your thoughts on Jay Dyer?
I am not a movie person so Ive never really been interested enough to listen to his shows
But I know he attracts a lot of converts
Usually the screechy types
It's not all about movies though
I first heard about him several years ago, before his conversion
Honestly, he didnt peak my interest, thats all
His topics dont usually interest me
I am more of a straight up history and politics guy.
Literally this
😬 very cringe bro 😬
but i like yang tho
i pledge allegiance
to the bag
of the uneeted states of sunmerica
and to the libpublic
to which it stands
one neetion
under jah
with neetbux and gfs for all
If you vote for me i will give you free money
Now that's a conga line I can get into
Nrk Journalist to Norwegian ISIS wife: "What do you think your punishment should be for joining ISIS?"
Woman: "Nothing, I have already served my punishment. Six years of heartache, six years of my brothers life I have missed, and I have made my mother and father very sick with sorrow. I have already served my punishment, I don't deserve any more"