Message from @Skeez
Discord ID: 557698090027450391
Should be (person): (statement) or (statement) -(person)
But there's nothing quite like killing oneself with two shots to the back of the head
My fave
Classic Clinton assisted suicide
Pullin a good ol' Trotsky
'Subscribe to Pewdiepie' carved into the Holocaust Memorial in Brooklyn.
Is Pewdiepie unironically the one who will radicalize the youth?
Seriously, I remember when he just said "nigger" acidentally in one of his streams, and ever since then, he's been pushing right-wing stuff into his videos all the time.
That's because he left attacked him; then big media attacked him; then T-series came around. If you oppose the left, big media, and corporate industry, you're going to attract the right-wing
Pewdiepie is also J woke
that's why the media hates him
hence why the aussie degenerate false-flagged said to subscribe to pewdiepie
He is, and hes really good at playing stupid when he gets caught
That's why the media hates him.
His army of 3rd graders will defend him because he never directly names the Jew, only subliminally. Even his fucking tattoo is epic
Pic of tattoo?
hey i made borgar
Nice :)
The one and only
Good dox
yep 😎
They finally embraced it
Lol nice
Rel paradox megacampaign when?
One could wish
I am too much of a wagecuck to play paradox games anymore
Only the host needs the dlc
I have most of them
Once we inject more people into the server, maybe
Most ambitious crossover
What is the far right one?
Something in greek I think
Yeah, I know that. It says "logos"
But what group? Copts?
The botched S in the end threw me off