Message from @Oskar636
Discord ID: 295662979507027969
Uses to be a libertarian until Johnson appeared.
Here's a vid of invictus. He's weird but inspiring.
Socialism sucks so bad that people in Venezuela have made a pepe paper currency let linked to Bitcoin so they can do business.
Are you seripus
@DeusVolt I hate that dude weed faggot
@James_Coney - LA I got 120 pages printed
will go tomorrow
I hate Johnson because he is a Democrat in sheeps clothing
@Lord Joe pages of what?
Wait till the 15th as planned.
@DeusVolt exactly. He's controlled opposition puppeted by Bill Weld.
@Lord Joe Yeah April 15th will be another urge victory.
I live 10 minutes from a university (University of Northern Colorado). Triggering shall happen on the 15th
I have posters for that
But i also have some of my own
which are like yours but slight edits to be B'ham anticom
I have 20 of those so it would be small load
Should we use this for both groups?
You really should have reached out first, I consider using our stuff without telling us first bad diplomacy, same with putting up open invites, I'm weird like that but I would like for everything to be known beforehand.
gary johnson was never controlled oposistion he was just a retard
his interviews make that clear
big enchilada inbound
Is there ahappening?
Note the circled region.
"Shit there's a jew in the cupboard"
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe I got 120 propaganda sheets off today
printed not posted
that's yet to come
you get a print shop to make that for you joe or just at home?
just at home
Could get my brother (who works at a print shop) to do many more
I mean I have a pretty heavy printer at home so it's all good
Oh im shocked