Message from @Based Chav

Discord ID: 578875868504522782

2019-05-16 14:32:21 UTC  

<:bruh:569616839340982272> <:bruh:569616839340982272> <:bruh:569616839340982272>

2019-05-16 15:17:14 UTC  


2019-05-16 20:53:30 UTC  

Whichever it is imma slonk someone

2019-05-17 09:22:49 UTC  

Tfw some girl appeared in the gym and it was pretty obvious that she was there the first time, cause all she did was jump from machine to machine, doing like 1 half-assed set

2019-05-17 09:23:30 UTC  

Maybe u should coach

2019-05-17 09:23:54 UTC  

Was she pretty?

2019-05-17 09:23:56 UTC  

Implying I know femoid workout

2019-05-17 09:24:01 UTC  

@Daniil Patrol the gym thot

2019-05-17 09:24:11 UTC  

If yes, coach

2019-05-17 09:24:13 UTC  

She was cute. The milk maiden kind of cute

2019-05-17 09:24:16 UTC  

How exactly should one ought conduct their etiquette in a gym, then?

2019-05-17 09:24:19 UTC  

You know how to work out in general, just make her do extra glutes and cardio

2019-05-17 09:24:21 UTC  

It was more of a question to @Deleted User though

2019-05-17 09:24:48 UTC  

if anyone, she will know what to suggest. Cause what I do in the gym, females dont

2019-05-17 09:25:24 UTC  

Patrol her

2019-05-17 09:25:28 UTC  


2019-05-17 09:25:41 UTC  

Patrolling thots in gym?
I dont want to get kicked out

2019-05-17 09:25:43 UTC  

Tbh, a woman can benefit from something like SS or SL

2019-05-17 09:25:47 UTC  

Steer her right lad.

2019-05-17 09:25:51 UTC  

@Daniil Ask her if she's a Russian or a Russian in denial

2019-05-17 09:26:02 UTC  

Away from meme- y, ass workouts for whores.

2019-05-17 09:35:14 UTC  

Women doin male shit sounds gross

2019-05-17 09:35:57 UTC  

With every post she makes, my theory of Claire's penis envy rings more true.

2019-05-17 09:38:07 UTC  

Yea but it's weird when women lift too much

2019-05-17 09:39:03 UTC  

More than your husband, wench.

2019-05-17 09:39:08 UTC  


2019-05-17 09:39:39 UTC  

Having a muscular gf would make me feel gay

2019-05-17 09:40:05 UTC  

Need a muscular 6'6" Nordic alien to incubate my children

2019-05-17 09:41:22 UTC  

If you want a woman to be your gf grab her firmly by the arm, grip it judgingly and say "You are worthy enough to bear my champions"

2019-05-17 09:44:42 UTC  

tfw no Tsarina gf

2019-05-17 09:47:53 UTC  

I'm too good for a normal gf

2019-05-17 09:48:48 UTC  

Why would I want a normal gf?

2019-05-17 09:53:41 UTC  

gay nigger

2019-05-17 09:57:01 UTC  

Give me a f*moid workout pls

2019-05-17 09:57:17 UTC  

She might be chunky, but I dont want her dling more than me

2019-05-17 09:58:18 UTC  

@Daniil Tell her to lift or get her fat ass in back in the kitchen

2019-05-17 09:59:25 UTC  

I need real advice

2019-05-17 09:59:33 UTC  

Or im banishing you to the filthpit

2019-05-17 10:00:02 UTC  

Seriously speaking you should teach her to lift

2019-05-17 10:00:11 UTC  

Just don't teach her to lift more than you

2019-05-17 10:00:47 UTC  
