Message from @Quarantine_Zone
Discord ID: 538475398191906826
10 year difference
> be me
> not bound to Moscow Council
> West is Best
> makes icon of Trinity because depicting the Father isn't heresy
> 🙂
Now the painted version with gold leaf
Orrrrrr I'll just frame it lol
looks like a gnostic emanation graph but drawn with emojis
Except it's all Christian symbols and colors that have been traditionally used in icons...
I see no human persons in this alleged icon.
A bunch of disks, a book, a water drop, gadolig sagraments, and muh keys
When God made Adam out of the clay, he didn't make him into an emoji
Neither did Christ incarnate as an emoji
Icons aren't nominalist representations, they're symbolic since they're pointing to divine reality, and the likeness of humanity is important in icons because man was made in God's image
I wouldn't call this painting an icon though
The green text was a meme
Alright then
It does use symbols and colors that are traditionally found in icons though
Also people are super hard to draw
And paint
Fair enough
I'm pressed on cash though and I'd rather buy crosses, thurible, and candles before buying another icon
I really dislike the lifeless mouths of statues of Mary
I think that's a good one, actually.
The eyes are very good, but the mouth is kind of numb
How would you make the mouth better? If you can describe it.
I would make it have an actual expression of sorrow instead of being completely lifeless
Like, try to leave your mouth in a completely emotionaless state and it will look like that
I maintain that fashwave will never be a proper artform, but this channel seemed most appropriate to post my own.
It really depends on what you define art to be.
Technically art is just the Latin word for craft or trade
Which is why I try to call "artwork" aesthetic
Art is what conveys beauty
In one or another way
And is crafted, of course
I mean stuff like gunsmithing doesn't convey beauty
Nobody's stopping you from making engravings