Message from @MawLr
Discord ID: 667276326691930113
I didn’t notice that
But chav is right
@andrei4563 I'm not sure why you're asking me like I'm an absentee father.
Get married already
Oh so that’s what snapping means
God, that thing is disgusting
A girl kept being a nuisance asking me to create one and when I did I found it absolutely useless
Then again, I find social media in general to be useless
The eyes are the gates of the soul and instagram is basically a nuclear bomb due to the amount of degeneracy your soul will be introduced to
yeah... I’m talking alone again
Maybe I should write these reflections in a piece of paper instead
There's nothing inherently new about Instagram when compared with other social media
It's just faster.
I mean, I suppose we could also argue that the selfie age really accelerated it, too.
It’s just subtle pornography
Girls use it as a repository for really disgusting pictures
Posting themselves in revealing clothing while giving out their only fans account link
My anger at it peaked when I heard two friends say _”dude did you see the pic ||girlname|| posted in a bikini? yeah man really good material”_
Unsurprisingly, females make up a majority of users on Instagram and Snapchat
I called those two guys plainly pathetic
They’re only expecting to find revealing pictures of girls they like
Nah, it’s like a drug
It’s really pathetic to only be waiting for a girl to post a revealing picture to get excited
That’s no way of living
Imagine posting revealing pictures of yourself and calling yourself an Instagram Influencer
Imagine the void in the hearts of those girls
I remember sitting with me work mate during a school project
I get asked all the time if I have an IG and people get surprised when I tell them I don't just because of this kind of shit
And right beside us were a bunch of women speaking so fucking loud and talking about how they got so drunk last night
I have one, I just don’t use it and people get surprised I don’t use it
I have an IG but I usually only follow my friends and family
"gurrrrl i wuz so smashed last night i even had a train ran on me sksksksk"
It’s weird to get follow requests every now and then from girls I don’t even know
eh, I prefer to keep quiet about drunk girls given I’ve had close encounters with near rape situations
I got this follow from this girl who has a huge crush on me
And she posts illicit images of herself in bikinis
As always, I didn’t accept her
Men these days are fucked up too though
You’ll be surprised how men when reduced to their primal state can get so desperate for coochie
Again, I won’t disclose any details but seriously, if you’re a girl try not to get drunk