Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 560371353706823690
Or wildcard ye
I mean, you cant finish the game with BoS, hence wildcard
Despite being a very in-depth game, the story is pretty limited in that matter
Cause the only factions I liked were minor factions that didnt have a role in the main story
I did a ncr run once and allying with bos was cool
Yeah coz it seems that whilst the legion is traditionalist, it has slavery shit
And the NCR is just another democracy
Well, ackshually, the bible doesnt really condemn slavery
Not that I'd ever side with the legion though, they're too barbaric for me
Yeah I mean the slavery the legion uses doesn't seem biblical
They're also pretty gay
Yea, their slavery is really pushing the boundaries.
Greek/Roman type slavery was pretty okay tbh
I'll probably do the NCR or an independent run
Joshua Graham pretty epic tho
Joshua Graham is awesome in that dlc
Best character in the game tbh
@Mozalbete ⳩ this firmament game looks cool
@Deleted User Cyan makes good games where puzzles are well integrated into the world, based on observation and with no inventory. Though I fear the game may not be funded.
Rust got a nice update recently
anyone here play?
What updated_
there's helicopters now lmao
and new weapons, more optimization
I need people
where do you play
Texmex server
I am not on now
lemme look it up
200 player limit modded?
ok weird rust crashes to desktop when i spawn with no error message
Dying Light is fun
anyone else plays siege?