Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 438727517357211658
And thank you
how are you folks
mornin lads
so who's @Deleted User anyway
I'm me
Wife and mother. Orthodox Christian.
women in our server
oh nice
what has happened to us
where about?
I'd rather not say sorry
nah it's fine
i'll be living in the South soon too
so if there's another person from /rel/ in TN
that would be too much of a coincidence
okay nice
that's where we're starting the ethnostate
come join any time
(if you're white)
I was here for a long time under my old account. Made a new one. I just never posted because I was in too many servers and couldn't be active in them all
Just fyi
oh nice
what was your old account's name?
Same name
I'm just Julia
ah okay
Well, actually a while back I went by Julia Evola
neato, i remember you
If whiteness was so fragile I don’t know why the entire planet has to be aligned against it because it seems like a light breeze would send its house of cards scattering
For some time now, our whole European culture has been moving as toward a catastrophe, with a tortured tension that is growing from decade to decade
i don't remember who posted the store where i got this but
Does anyone want to see pictures of my plants?