Message from @Daniil
Discord ID: 453952132731895809
@James I hope that they finally kill or finish off the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross and the Anglican Use in general as that only fuels unjust exceptionalism. And before some butthurt Aussies come and say why do you still use word 'Anglican Use' as we don't use that form of missal anymore: i know. True Anglican (in strict English sense and not Anglosphere) patrimony is the Sarum Use. Go and revive that instead of some petty crypto-Anglicanism. Personally i don't think that Australians should be able to celibrate the Sarum Rite as that is confined to the British Isles in my opinion. Are Australians too good for the TLM?
Why get rid of it? The Ordinariate stands to serve those who are former anglicans primarily, so they can maintain some of their distinctive liturgical, aesthetic, homiletic & musical patrimony.
(E.g. collect for purity - which originated in the Sarum use, prayer of humble access, Anglican chant, etc.)
Are Ordinariate ordinations/consecrations the same structure as Traditional Latin rite?
In my city, there is a TLM, if we’re lucky, once every few months. The Ordinariate is the next best thing to the TLM for me. People aren’t “too good” for the TLM, some people might choose the Ordinariate liturgy as they find it particularly nourishing/enriching for their faith life, and by chance don’t feel the same regarding the TLM. Are you going to lambast the Eastern Catholics for maintaining their liturgical etc patrimony? Why can’t the Anglo-catholics do so when they come back into full communion?
@Astro : As far as I am aware, yes. I’d have to verify though. I know baptisms, etc are.
stereotypes are real
Multiculturalism is wanting to get a decent, cheap restaurant-style cheeseburger in America without going to a Fast Food chain but there aren't any. But if you want Malaysian, Indian, Thai, Arabic god knows what they got plenty of that everywhere.
Aquinas is just 🅱️oneless Augustine.
Change my mind
Both the guys on my team are either Very, very redpilled or bordering on very redpilled.
My day's going well.
Re: Aquinas.
Haven't really read enough of either to speak in any matter of expertise, however.
If it can be said that there is an objective truth, the primordial source of which is the heavenly father, surely a semblance of overlap in the doctors of the church is something of a good thing?
@Daniil when are you adding me in new /rel/ ?
on facebook
I think /rel/ isn't getting resurrected @Uncle Zoob
There is a secret group I guess
New /rel/
I will hand this over to Dietrich to run. He will attempt to get the ban lifted.
As for the secret group, I added you but I dont intend to focus too much there
Is the secret group the continuation of /rel/? Or is the cult of ichthys
The cult will be more in the lines of /rel/. The secret one will be serious and see significantly less traffic
Ah, I see
Is the secret group up yet?
It is
You can pm me on fb for an invite
Democracy is a scam for the rulers to blame their failures on their people
I find this idea of democracy being a conspiracy to be largely overstated.
I honestly think it's because the ruling class becomes comfortable, they make feckless decisions and some are more inclined than others to exploit those circumstances.
And then democracy fails to work because it becomes a cycle of buying public opinion.
In the end, I think there are very few forces for evil out there.
But the ones that are there are most certainly influential.
How do I become cool like everyone else in here
Grow a beard
Just shaved mine off, tbh
Sideburns all the way
If you can't grow a beard (like me) then it's best to shave