Message from @Luiz Tinoco

Discord ID: 456251313307516929

2018-06-12 21:48:22 UTC  

There are some things I am still holding onto since childhood/teenage years (like a suicide in the family) that make it hard for me to really get on with my life. Feel like I am stuck in the past a lot. Secular means of psychotherapy and various antidepressants never helped.

2018-06-12 22:09:53 UTC  

I managed to overcome some nasty stuff through prayer. Though remembering the ins and outs is still painful, but it doesn't consume me anymore. Sure one of the things that helped a lot, mainly when it was recent, was doing literally any activity I could

2018-06-12 22:13:25 UTC  

Thank you. Yeah I think I am not occupying my time properly so I am left with a lot of time to ruminate on my troubles. I think however things like being online too much or playing video games are worse for you than doing a hobby that actually feels like an accomplishment. I used the internet as a teen for escapism and I find myself still doing it even though there's nothing in the present to 'escape' from.

2018-06-12 22:17:52 UTC  

I know that feeling, I was so dependant on internet and games that I can't even believe how retarded I looked. This in itself is a painful experience. When people said "wow you're so much cooler on the internet" I just wanted to die

2018-06-12 22:19:48 UTC  

Recently I heard the opposite, if you read the chat from a few days ago, I went on a date and this marvelous lady said I was much cooler in person!

2018-06-12 22:20:48 UTC  

May I ask how old are you, Christelle?

2018-06-12 23:51:19 UTC  

Ok, /rel/ics. You're usually quite a scathing bunch, but your advice can be pretty sound; so I'm going to swallow some pride and ask for it.

2018-06-12 23:53:41 UTC  

I seem to have become exponentially more attractive in the last month or so. Somehow.

And I'm struggling to approach that in a Catholic way. I'm pretty flirtatious by nature and I'm inclined to run with it when I see the signs from a pretty girl. While I'm not a fornicater, I am definitely walking a fine line and putting myself directly in the path of temptation without giving it the due thought and care I should be.

What do?

2018-06-12 23:54:48 UTC  

Make your faith more noticeable.

2018-06-12 23:55:27 UTC  

That way, if a girl starts to show that she likes you, you can make it clear from the beginning that any relationship, even a simple friendship, will be based in God.

2018-06-12 23:56:22 UTC  

This doesn't rule out all fun, however, just the degenerate fun. The fun that devalues the sexual act would be anathema, for certain.

2018-06-12 23:56:29 UTC  

I'm not being too vague, am I?

2018-06-13 00:01:34 UTC  

No, no.

2018-06-13 00:02:48 UTC  

I've managed to keep myself away from the degenerate fun, so far, but the fact I keep putting myself so close to it in the first place is of cause for concern.

2018-06-13 00:03:06 UTC  

I feel like I'm being tested particularly in this regard.

2018-06-13 00:03:06 UTC  

Very true.

2018-06-13 00:03:38 UTC  

Which raises all manner of other questions.

2018-06-13 00:03:42 UTC  

But one thing at a time.

2018-06-13 00:09:24 UTC  

I mean, you sound well aware of yourself as it is, so that's a good point to start from. Let's see. You mentioned you became more attractive in about one month, and that you are an extrovert by nature

2018-06-13 00:17:23 UTC  

Ok, I take it your personality remained the same through that change, but now you're getting more responses. Aside from Kristov's ON POINT suggestion, I would also add that you join an active youngs group from your local Church, in that way you would be surround by like minded people

2018-06-13 00:19:49 UTC  

Tldr, get involved in more... how do I put it... wholesome(?) activities

2018-06-13 00:20:25 UTC  

Well, then, better make sure the group is wholesome before joining.

2018-06-13 00:20:52 UTC  

💯 ^

2018-06-13 00:21:31 UTC  

The last thing you need right now is a corrupted "dude, sex lmaaaao" kind of group

2018-06-13 01:23:49 UTC  

Paraphrasing an interesting argument I heard today for the existence of God: (since atheists are nominalist and believe that the big bang happened solely through cosmic flux) Do you believe that 2+2 equals 4 and always equals 4? The fact that math exists and it's unequivocally a universal truth proves the existence of a higher power. If the universe was nothing but random cosmic flux, it would be impossible for a universal truth and for consistency to exist. It would be random flux like everything else

2018-06-13 01:24:03 UTC  

I'm not doing the argument justice, but you get the idea

2018-06-13 01:24:42 UTC  

The only problem is that due to quantum mechanics, you could actually argue that the entire universe is nothing but random flux.

2018-06-13 01:24:58 UTC  

Or the entire multi-verse, as some physicists say.

2018-06-13 01:25:04 UTC  

Quantum mechanics is a spook

2018-06-13 01:25:22 UTC  

Hold on let me read it a couple of times

2018-06-13 01:25:29 UTC  

They're making things up to explain what they don't understand

2018-06-13 01:26:13 UTC  

It has scientific evidence. Light has been proved to have both particle and wave properties. So have electrons, and even some molecules. However, it is true that there are times they go a little to far.

2018-06-13 01:26:17 UTC  

Ah ok I think I understood the point of it

2018-06-13 01:27:46 UTC  

But anyway, does quantum physics disprove math?

2018-06-13 01:28:15 UTC  

Not 2+2=4, or any of the rest of math.

2018-06-13 01:28:35 UTC  

My point is that with quantum mechanics, you can argue for a universe that's nothing but random flux.

2018-06-13 01:30:07 UTC  

You could, but I don't see how that's relevant

2018-06-13 01:30:31 UTC  

It doesn't disprove the other claim

2018-06-13 01:31:10 UTC  

It's just reaffirming what they think they know without addressing the argument

2018-06-13 01:32:09 UTC  

I agree. Disregarding God because of a lack of evidence for God is a very unscientific thing to do.

2018-06-13 01:32:36 UTC  

That math is consistent, it's comprehensible, it's logical; all which would be impossible in a state of flux