Message from @Astro
Discord ID: 456558400105611264
Quantum mechanics proves that naturalism is false
When someone starts talking about quantum mechanics, I can only imagine a mega-fedora talking about le epic science xD while using big, smart, enlightened words that sound like le epic science
You should watch InspiringPhilosophy
He uses quantum physics in some of his apologetics
He's quite good
>If the universe was nothing but random cosmic flux, it would be impossible for a universal truth and for consistency to exist
I don't see how that follows
Konstantin has been typing for 3 hours now
I wonder what he has to say
Cosmic flux being nihilism, that there's no inherent meaning, everything was created randomly out of sheer chance and there's no order to the universe. More or less the idea that the universe is a million monkeys with typewriters that eventually wrote Shakespeare. They're denying that Logos exists as a universal, but as above, so below. Reality is the metaphysical world (takes primacy) plus the natural world (a projection of the former); natural things are projections of spiritual phenomena, the symbols being more real than their physical representation. Like in Plato's cave, we see shadows on the wall and if we just walk outside, we'll see that the shadows are created by real things and the shadows are just a reflection of reality, not reality itself. If everything we knew was entirely random and in flux, it would be safe to assume that the universe is random. But that's not what we observe. We can find clear examples of consistency and coherency in nature, such as math, which would be impossible in a state of flux
If somebody says "all geese are white," all you have to do is find one non-white goose to prove them wrong
if you think i'm reading all of that
Then don't lol
i'm just kidding, my guy
good analysis
Have you looked into Quantum Mechanics? Consistency and coherency are nowhere to be found.
I love my school library
I found so many books on gothic architecture, but I ran out of time so I took two
Really wouldn't mind if Gothic architecture came back in style.
A Gothic house?
not quite. so far, I have parisian rooftop, gothic balcony,
So more like a conglomeration of different styles?
Yes, I got the idea from the Cabildo
I really like chateau rooftops, but idk if they fit well
I used paint lel
Nice. The exact geometry is very pleasing.
Isaiah 47:13
**Isaiah 47:13 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**
<13> You are wearied with your many consultations; let those who study the heavensstand up and save you, those who gaze at the stars, and at each new moon predict what shall befall you. ```
Col. 1:15-18
Colussus 1:15-18
Colossians 1:15-18
**Colossians 1:15-18 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**
The Supremacy of Christ
<15> He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; <16> for in him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers—all things have been created through him and for him. <17> He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together. <18> He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. ```
there we go
How do I suggest names for the coincidence detector?
Which one
(((Helen Zille)))
I mean which detector
there's multiple