Message from @SirLoin97
Discord ID: 459821617304961024
But Jesus told his disciples they would stand before kings and governors
And the gospel of the kingdom would be preached to all nations
This was fulfilled before AD 70, when the end (of the temple) came
But in another respect it still is being fulfilled as we follow in the steps of the holy Apostles, according to the life and word of our Lord
The gospel is the announcement that the king of the world is already come
And that he has been crucified by us miserable sinners and been raised for our justification
That we might be made holy and worthy to reign with him on the earth
We can take on anything if we are with Christ!
The World Will be returned to God and His Kingdom will have no end
@de ton even if we weren't all on watchlists, discord sells your info to the government
>been a dick option
yeah goy just stop challenging the status quo, go become a recluse somewhere and gather up with all people who think like you, as tightly as possible
lotta heretics and 'tismatics in this group
yeah i also don't like non-catholics x~d
I just wanted to use the word 'tismatics to show off how clever I am
it's a nice word i like it
What is a 'tismatic?
a c*tholic
oh haha
this is next weekend
Another thing I don't get is hypocrisy: Why does it matter?
The leftists etc. are always happy when they find out that someone who encouraged Christian morality turns out to have been unfaithful to his wife, or a pedo, or whatever it is. But that stuff really doesn't matter for what the person was arguing, does it? It seems like a form of ad hominem to me. It's not just moral matters, but that's probably the most relevant to this group
Hypocrite was that which Jesus insulted the most
Yes. The Left is hypocritical, it is an inherently self-defeating ideology. This is because the goal is the defeat of the self, it comes from the position that human life is ultimately worthless and the only thing that matters in humanity is it's collective physical affect on the world, which in all other forms beside Leftist is considered negative
It's a cult. A cult of Death. It's against Life, it's against Humans survival.
It is a Hivemind, who does not care if it dies so long as it carries out the will of it's Master
And it's Master is Satan, who desires the death of all mankind.
I fully agree. The more people we help realize this, the more we prevent from falling into his clutches.
Yes, Jesus did call Pharisees hypocrites, so it has to mean something. 🤔 In that case, it was a tool of Jesus insulting them righteously. The core of what they preached wasn't wrong, but their practice didn't live up to it. Jesus pointed out the discrepancy observing people would know the (((Elders))) were not really serving God, only pretending to.
So it's probably something where the motive matters more than the tactic. When lefties use it, it's to discredit the good message. When Jesus used it, it was to rightly discredit Pharisees.
Whenever the leftist references something remotely virtuous, it is to twist it and make it perverse
believing in a standard and falling short of it is not hypocrisy
it’s just falling to sin
hypocrisy is when you don’t even care about upholding the standard and just want to look like you are
in other words, hypocrisy is virtue-signalling
they also deceitfully used the law to attack their enemies
for example, the whole issue of "if your donkey fell in a ditch on the Sabbath you'd pull it out"
they knew works of mercy are permitted on the Sabbath; yet they dissembled to use it as an attack
@CPEGaebler yes, we should not imitate them in the way we rest on the Lord’s Day