Message from @GodFearingEnglishman
Discord ID: 463047765283438593
tfw a few of my church going catholic friends attended the lgbt parade
pretty damn angry about it
I’m being attacked by a queer “””””priest””””” in a group for saying some crazy modernist female pastor is wrong to be pro-choice and pro-LGBT.
I wonder how many choirboys he’s fantasised about during those 40 years...
This shit is sad, annoying and sad
It’s bloody well infuriating.
Sodomite priests used to be executed.
Now they’re celebrated as a sign of progress and diversity.
>point out that he’s a shit priest and literally supports people breaking one of the biggest rules
>”hOmopHobEs aRnt aLlOwed iN tHis GrOuP”
Ya well homosexuals aren’t allowed in the kingdom of God sooooo
In any other group, I would have gone further. But I like this group, and I’ve said all that needs to be said.
What group is it?
Clerical Dress
They post vestments and the like.
It’s one thing to believe in Sola Scriptura, but dismissing the Epistles is a WHOLE new ballpark.
“you might want to get the log out of your eye before you worry about your brother’s speck”
Hang those who un-ironically quote “judge not” in theological arguments.
Are there any solid books available on Kindle that any of you would recommend? Preferably free, but if not, that's fine.
I’m afraid not. I’m more of a hard-copy chap.
This is the cover photo of one of the queer-sympathisers I’m arguing with;
Imagine my shock.
I'm more of a physical copy myself too. But I'm down with free. Plus I can throw pdfs of super expensive books on it. My plan is to just slowly acquire physical copies of all my Kindle books slowly but surely.
And YIKES, that's a scary cover photo
I’m in quite a few internet arguments today.
It reminds me why I promised myself I’d avoid them.
I can't do them anymore
I so rarely get dragged into one anymore
i stay away
And even when I do, I just usually leave
I'm like "I'm leaving now"
I’m arguing with one chap about Francisco Franco, and whether he acted reasonably within Christian teaching.