Message from @Constantin le Lamantin
Discord ID: 510904844182355988
Well there's a group that calls itself french orthodox but they aren't in communion with the orthodox church
What's the deal with OCA
Normally, yup, but Moscow as created his own exarch.
EP, Ecumenical Patriarchate
And so the Roumanians.
Catholic's mass is also with instruments. While the Orthodox Liturgy is a capella.
Nah, novus Ordo can be done Acapella. My Church has acapella mass at 12pm and 5pm every weekday, while of the 6 masses we have on sunday 3 are instrumental
Now there will never be a french orthodox church because it'll be arab orthodox or some shit
Traditional latin mass is acapella too
I think I preder arab orthobros over modern irreligious french tbh
But it's a shame to see France go even if they have by and large given up the faith
Ethnicity is a circumstance of one's birth but apostasy and degeneracy is a choice
You know, the Roman Church has been arming people here. So the Frenchs are massively dechristianizing.
What do you mean, the Roman church has been arming people?
100 priests formed each year for 800 leaving, in France.
Well, the Roman Church has been involved in many scandals...
Oh did you mean harming?
all good brother
Yeah everyone is getting sick and tired of the pederasts of the Vatican
The French Roman Primate is in Court for having dissimuled some pedophil priests, for example.
Yeah you Frenches do drop the h in your words
They use it but they don't pronounce it
As do all Latins
E.g. un homme
French seems hard and easy at the same time
In reality, as a student in linguistics, the germanic languages use the h in replacement of the palatal k.
The grammar isn't difficult, nothing like Eastern European languages
French is the language of homos
Italian is the real Romantic language
But the phonology is
Well, we haven't declinations like Latin or even Greek.
I used to hate french but decided to like it
I just have a hard time with pronunciation
But the syntax and pronunciation are hard.
French was probably the last western Romance language to drop the case system