Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 514360722323537921
$ 2 Timothy 3:12-13
**2 Timothée 3:12-13 - Louis Segond (LSG)**
<12> Or, tous ceux qui veulent vivre pieusement en Jésus Christ seront persécutés. <13> Mais les homme méchants et imposteurs avanceront toujours plus dans le mal, égarants les autres et égarés eux-mêmes. ```
$ 2 Timothy 3:12-13
**2 Timothy 3:12-13 - New International Version (NIV)**
<12> In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, <13> while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. ```
And for the purgatory, the comparison with Trinity isn't justified, because the Trinity is developped by the Church Fathers, not the Purgatory.
You have made the petty accusation that it is not God who forgives in catholic confession. You have quoted parts from the council as implying that we don't follow them, and you said that priests are "superheroes", mening that they are presented as the ones they forgive. Instead of praying for my soul, feel free to pray for the soul of liars and slanderers like yours, who seem to like to also brag about how much of a sinner they are. And while you are at it, pray that you stop being a hypocrite who has no problem bashing cahtolicism with your lies while crying about how le ebil catholics insult the orthodox.
@Constantin le Lamantin And I will also inform you that the Purgatory is both implied in Scripture. And the Church fathers talk about prayers to the dead, and even beforte about purification before entering Heaven, which is what those prayers are for. But please, keep insisting that purgatory is just some wild invention from the 2nd millenium, because your ctrl+f "purgatory" yielded no results. You will see what happens
I didn't quote the Council. You are lying.
Everybody can verify it.
I refer to your quote, wherever it is fro, qhich I assume was the council considering how much you talk about "the council"
Show me where I quoted that Council.
_You have quoted parts of that Council_
Show me those parts, we will see who lies.
You quote, I don't care from where. I thought it was another council and that you presented it as opposed to it: "he Orthodox Church adheres strictly to the teaching of the Scriptures that only God can forgive sins, that he does so through Christ in the Church, that his conditions are genuine repentance and the promise of change which are witnessed by confession, and that confession, by definition, is the open and public acknowledgment of sin before God and all mankind.". And you add: " their priest isn't a servant, he is a superhero."
Now I don't care about your complaints about the council of Trent, which are surely as "solid" as your complaints about catholic confession
So you admit lied or made a mistake. I assume this was a mistake. Now.
Of course I did as I have said, and it is irrelevant, since my focus is in your baseless accusation
That part was quoted from the Orthodox page about the Sacrement of Penance in order to asnwer the question of @Quarantine_Zone wich was :
That part was quoted as an accusation that catholics priest forgive the sins by themselves as superheroes
_What do Orthodox say the purpose of confession is?_
_This place given to the priest in the Roman Church is a direct consequence of the Council of Trent, where the position of the priest within the Church has really changed.
But spoiler : their priest isn't a servant, he is a superhero._
That was evrything you said, and I have mentioned how retarded and vile that accusation is
So don't complain about being attacked when I defend myself
From your poison
Yes, of course. While that time, you admitted having lie. I haven't nothing against you, but if the truth doesn't interest you, don't take me in that decadence.
It was quite amazing, how quoting cahtolicism, you underline "I absolve you", ommiting the "May our Lord Jesus Christ absolve you; and by His authority"
And I really think this wasn't a lie but a mistake.
But when quoting the others, you underline "His unworthy priest, in virtue of the authority committed to me" qhile ommiting the "absolve thee" after the "I"
You are now trying to move the goalpost to ignore the things I have highlit
The Russian absolution dogma is pretty similar to the Roman one, this what I said.
You said how much better it is
Quote me.
You said how wonderful the orthodox is in comparison
_The Russian is influenced by Latin ones, but it is better than them._
You said how catholicism presents the priest as the one who, himself, forgives sins
There you have it
I didn't say that neither, quote me.
That is what you have said constantly. Are you insane?
Firt you show yourself how you try to say that non-catholic confession is better