Message from @Mr. Byzantium
Discord ID: 518503189612593162
No, it's false @
Hope you can translate
Bartholomew is a CIA/NATO asset basically
And he probably will go uniate if he stops pretending he's some sort of orthodox pope
Ah ok
Am I the only one annoyed by those "I just play devil's advocate" types on debate discords
I play devil's advocate myself sometimes but people like that are annoying
What's also really annoying are those "I'm on the fence" type
"I'm a centrist because both the left and the right are dumb"
I thought this kind of thinking would have died out some time after 2016
Well, if you don't have any strong opinions, there's less chance of you being wrong.
Please pray for me, a wretched and worldly sinner.
Country music is a disservice to the right wing
there's better country music out there
Its called *bluegrass*
I would argue that christian metal is a bit worse than country music
Most of it should go to the 9th circle twice for destroying two things.
The big government monarchist in me really wants to trash the mainstream American Israel-loving right-wing sometimes
My cousins are some proper close-the-borders style boomers
You americans are a fascinating breed.
@Based Chav Where you from?
Not London particularly, but that is true.
I hope Sadiq Kahn is a wake-up call for people in London.
proper term is Anglostan
Emirate of Anglostan
Emir: Sadiq Khan Al-Anglostani
Religion: Sunni Anglicism-Islam
Lel Sunni Anglicism
Sunni Islam, Anglican school of thought
Anglican Rite, Sunni Islam
Demographics: 85% Anglostanis, 15% Pakis, Muslim Indians, Somalis, Afghans, etc
I don't get the comic at all
i joined an ethnic asian server on disc
It makes me want to punch a wall