Message from @Quarantine_Zone

Discord ID: 528991162590167041

2018-12-30 17:22:23 UTC  

That's an exception

2018-12-30 17:22:28 UTC  

Must be a commiefornia thing

2018-12-30 17:22:36 UTC  

Oh, very possible

2018-12-30 17:22:48 UTC  

Because those KJV nondenoms were also mega shitlibs

2018-12-30 17:23:03 UTC  

Oh, yeah, we just call those apostates lol

2018-12-30 17:23:09 UTC  

>hates tradition

2018-12-30 17:23:12 UTC  


2018-12-30 17:23:36 UTC  

One nondenom I work with actually said "I believe in out with the old, in with the new"

2018-12-30 17:24:32 UTC  

She's the one who accused me of wanting to enslave women because I hate feminism

2018-12-30 17:24:40 UTC  

"Every woman is a feminist"

2018-12-30 17:26:02 UTC  

This is why I think it was a mistake to let women have an opinion

2018-12-30 17:27:16 UTC  

Yeah, dude, you just live in California

2018-12-30 17:27:44 UTC  

The more politically conservative side of non-denoms just say those guys aren't Christians

2018-12-30 17:30:33 UTC  

Doesn't mean I suddenly like nondenoms (still sounds gay), but my view on them might have been inaccurate then

2018-12-30 17:38:20 UTC  

The best way to describe them is Baptist doctrine, Methodist teachings, and Pentecostal worship

2018-12-30 17:38:56 UTC  

They are mostly Wesleyan Arminian

2018-12-30 17:39:23 UTC  

And they're split on "Lordship Salvation" and "easy believism"

2018-12-30 17:39:30 UTC  

As a former Protestant most Protestants are impossible to reason witg

2018-12-30 17:39:45 UTC  

You have to know how to approach

2018-12-30 17:41:32 UTC  

You'll likely find Confessional Lutherans and Anglo-Catholics easier to talk with

2018-12-30 17:42:01 UTC  

Baptists and Anabaptists are pretty insane to reason with though

2018-12-30 17:42:19 UTC  

I am willing to try, but as I myself am newly an apostolic christian it would be a great boon to find a woman already here

2018-12-30 17:43:02 UTC  

Though, tbh, I don't really want the Lutherans and Anglos converted to EO because those are my kin lol

2018-12-30 17:43:45 UTC  

you need to convert, and bring them with you

2018-12-30 17:43:52 UTC  


2018-12-30 17:43:55 UTC  

Nop lol

2018-12-30 17:44:10 UTC  


2018-12-30 17:44:33 UTC  

Well yeah, all Prots lest Anglo-Catholics are anathematized by Nicaea II

2018-12-30 17:46:33 UTC  

That's actually the hardest thing for me as a Lutheran--Nicaea II

2018-12-30 17:47:35 UTC  

Because we don't pray to saints

2018-12-30 17:47:51 UTC  

Or rather ask for intercession

2018-12-30 20:15:49 UTC  

@Quarantine_Zone so Calvinist soteriology along with Pentecostal glossolalia?

2018-12-30 20:15:54 UTC  

Sounds like my mother tbh

2018-12-30 21:03:33 UTC  

Nah lol

2018-12-30 21:03:41 UTC  

Wesleyan Arminianism

2018-12-30 21:03:43 UTC  
2018-12-30 21:04:08 UTC  

I can send in a flowchart of prot Soteriologies

2018-12-30 21:04:42 UTC  

There are quite a few variants on Calvinism and Arminianism and 2 variants in Lutheranism

2018-12-30 21:06:06 UTC  

There are 6 variants on Arminianism essentially

2018-12-30 21:06:42 UTC  

Two of such variants are part of "Wesleyan" Soteriology, IE New Wesleyan and Old Wesleyan

2018-12-30 21:07:27 UTC  

One variant of Arminianism is "Open Theology Arminianism," which is by and large apostate IMO