Message from @Mr. Byzantium

Discord ID: 541128314476298240

2019-02-01 15:35:37 UTC  

I'll have to look into that

2019-02-01 15:36:43 UTC  

The elves actually speak a very Nordic sounding language instead of the usual magical fairy shit

2019-02-01 15:41:09 UTC  


2019-02-01 16:03:41 UTC  

The language is fine. It's the urgals I can't stand.

2019-02-01 16:05:31 UTC  

At first, the urgals are made out to look like Tolkien's orcs. Fine. And there's a lot to prove that: they slaughter innocent people, and they're pretty much the only ones who side with the main villain. And then, starting in the second book, it's slowly revealed that they're actually misunderstood, and that they can be good guys, too, without changing that much of their culture.

2019-02-01 16:08:11 UTC  

Also, there's this mountain that some of the badguys worship in a twisted way; but you can see that it's a mockery of Christianity, Catholicism/Orthodoxy in particular. The mountain is three topped, and there's a constant debate as to whether there's one god or three. There's also a fourth spire, lower than the others, and it's debated whether it should be worshiped at all. But the main ceremony proves it: all the worshipers drink the blood of the high priest. Sound familiar?

2019-02-01 16:08:44 UTC  

Sure, I enjoyed the first couple books. But from then on, things just got weirder and weirder, and I couldn't follow, and didn't really want to, either.

2019-02-01 16:16:48 UTC  

I didn't really draw that comparison at all. But now that you mention it I would be interested in knowing what kind of religious views the author has.
All I know is he was homeschooled and wrote book 1 at 15

2019-02-01 17:27:29 UTC  

I don't know his religious views. But not all homeschoolers are good Christians, unfortunately.

2019-02-01 17:29:08 UTC  

yeah obvs
A lot are evanjellyfish

2019-02-01 23:50:13 UTC  

A lot finish homeschool and get into the real world then kinda go full thot/fratboi cause they finally have freedom.

2019-02-01 23:51:17 UTC  

I knew a girl who went to good private school with Christian home and friends, then got to highschool and got pregnant by her sophomore year and got an abortion. She just parties all the time and still does it today.

2019-02-01 23:58:52 UTC  

TFW not fratboi
Feels good man

2019-02-01 23:58:56 UTC  

That sucks though

2019-02-02 00:09:58 UTC  

I'm glad God has protected me from that lifestyle

2019-02-02 00:58:37 UTC

2019-02-02 00:59:31 UTC  

I just bought a complete LXX translation with the variants of Daniel, Esther, and Judges and including 4 Macc and Psalms or Solomon.

2019-02-02 01:00:11 UTC  

And a hardcover NKJV while I was at it for Masoretic Text and Textus Receptus

2019-02-02 05:12:47 UTC  

<@&273567579946090498> i invited Pendarric who is in vetting and possibly haras if he clicked the link also

2019-02-02 06:10:33 UTC  

>wants baby murder
What a sick, twisted fuck

2019-02-02 06:10:52 UTC  

People like him should be on death row

2019-02-02 07:56:26 UTC  

@Byzas Can you now repeat that in non-potato?

2019-02-02 09:04:34 UTC

2019-02-02 09:04:58 UTC  

There should be 9 bans here

2019-02-02 10:26:42 UTC

2019-02-02 13:34:57 UTC  

@Mozalbete ⳩ maybe if you were hwyte

2019-02-02 14:03:32 UTC  

holy shit

2019-02-02 14:03:36 UTC  

self defence?!

2019-02-02 14:03:57 UTC  

what is the baby actively attempting to kill or harm the mother? that's so fucking absurd

2019-02-02 14:05:00 UTC  

Western Europe was retarded, lmao

2019-02-02 19:45:21 UTC  

Western Rome got ruined for a lot of reasons. Mostly elites screwed over the empire in all sorts of ways.

2019-02-02 22:16:05 UTC  

Good to hear our Swede chaps have the TLM

2019-02-02 22:17:01 UTC  

Prayers and whatnot for our Scandy chaps

2019-02-03 05:45:05 UTC  

What's your guys' thoughts on the rite of mortification of the flesh? Pic related.

2019-02-03 06:09:56 UTC  

The constantly whipping yourself is obviously just some sadomasochistic demon bullshit

2019-02-03 06:13:11 UTC  

Lol it exists in Eastern Orthodog tradition too

2019-02-03 06:19:58 UTC  

My understanding is that it's far less of a thing in the eastern tradition because our monks actually fast

2019-02-03 06:20:38 UTC  

The flesh is mortified with fasting, vigil, obedience, other things like that primarily