Message from @Skeez
Discord ID: 556056223271747584
"Nope, it's right wing extremism and islamophobia"
Id still pick omar mateen over him
A muslim who shot up a gay nightclub in Florida
Oh, that one.
I'm just finding it really hard to sympathise with Muslims at the moment.
Na I get it. I am just looking at this from a pragmatic point of view
Especially so when I saw Imran Kahn bleating about islamophobia when pakis are estimated to have raped close to 1 million girls in their "grooming gangs".
Muslims are less dangerous to our society than cigarettes
Not literal cigs, you know what I mean
Hah, I did wonder for a second.
They're the 2nd biggest problem here.
Imran Kahn?
1st is the internal rot.
You mean Sadiq?
President of Pakistan.
But I imagine tricky sadiq will jump on it too.
Wonder how many "part and parcel" tweets he'll get. <:eksdee:515271965712318502>
Vidyar gems
He just wouldn't have been so racist if he hadn't played all that Modern Battlefield and Call of honour.
The NeoPagans were sent by God to punish us for not reading enough Saint Augustine
I don't sympathize with these Muslims but in this LARPagan I smell fed
If he actually believed in the birthrate stuff in his gay little manifesto he'd be married and having as many kids as possible, instead, he shoots up some people in an act that isn't going to garner any support for his cause but drive people away
at least my boy Omar was a genuine janny
Yang is just another reactionary Plutocratic politician and you're not going to get any money
Has Trump not proven to you that there are no political solutions?
I'm not trying to incite anything
Don't do anything violent and stupid
Yang Gang is a meme. It's a healthy outlet. I would never vote for the man.
I can't vote for anyone who is that Pro-choice
memes aren't healthy
Does anybody have the full manifesto? I'm somewhat curious.
To read the manifesto, that is.
Nice try FBI
It'll probably get memory hole'd
It's not like Elliott Rodgers where nobody expects anyone to take any action to emulate the fellow, it's more dangerous than that because antiislamic sentiment is already high by itself.