Message from @Based Chav
Discord ID: 557340339556319243
Hows refugee lyf?
oy mate
When is his trial?
Or, at least, when is he testifying?
Good question.
A lot of it in NZ is being suppressed from what I hear.
It'll be kangaroo'd in and out in a short space of time, I'd wager.
I'd contest they're losing control of the pieces a little.
nah the support of europeans by that shooting just showed them they achieved what they wanted, see now what we're losing on your own countries even more, the right to self-defence, the victimization of the aliens, the fortification of "islamophobia" and demonization of any self-preservation of your own nation and the list goes on
All that will do is push people further, though.
Think about that poem *Wrath of the Awakened Saxon*
The (((echo))) is fast becoming a normie meme.
Questioning the events of WWII is also becoming more frequent, etc.
A lot of it may very well be Gen Z edginess, but that's how it starts.
the longer we push people further to the wrong enemy, the more people we lose, the jewish elites are the roots of all these problems, and we're just doing what they're literally paying to see us do. I bet they were dancing on their synagogues of Satan when the shooting happened
Yeah, and they can dance all they want. It's all borrowed time. Everyone's starting to get wise. Again.
Finna make a ton of changes to the discord server, hold onto your shorts boys
courtesy of a female so please everyone do your part and thank your local women
Oh shit what happen?
going to make this server more eye/user friendly
Whomst Catholic?
Whomst Orthodox?
Whomst Protestant?
let me help you
b r u h
Catholic gang rise up
Reformed Protestant, specifically Anglican
I'm confused about the vetting channel. I can't figure out what gets people in and keeps others out
Seems the Otter role also went away...
chill out it's a work in process
That's kinda part of the point, giving a guide on the right answers kinda makes the process worthless lel
I said I was catholic but I still need to be baptized