Message from @Mozalbete ⳩

Discord ID: 562377828285284352

2019-04-01 20:43:47 UTC  


2019-04-01 20:43:49 UTC  


2019-04-01 20:44:07 UTC  

Or what part of the spoils of ward had to be given tu Muhammed

2019-04-01 20:44:22 UTC  

Debate that yourself

2019-04-01 20:44:24 UTC  

Or what was the "offers" that were made to the other nations they were in contact with

2019-04-01 20:44:49 UTC  

You are surrounded by them and it is no surprise that they tell you how much they know about islam and how peaceful and innocent it is

2019-04-01 20:45:04 UTC  

After all, what are they going to say?

2019-04-01 20:45:22 UTC  

Why don't you debate this with a Muslim then ?

2019-04-01 20:45:27 UTC  

Any day

2019-04-01 20:45:33 UTC  

Wanna do it then ?

2019-04-01 20:45:44 UTC  

Well, not in a muslim country if I want to live to tell the tale

2019-04-01 20:46:00 UTC  

Idk I have debated with Muslims here a lot of times

2019-04-01 20:46:03 UTC  

Pretty sure a muslim will do the same thing they do

2019-04-01 20:46:16 UTC  

Make up a fictional "context" out of thin air as pathetic damage control

2019-04-01 20:46:20 UTC  

where do you live

2019-04-01 20:46:27 UTC  

How poor Muhammed had to defend himself from the evil pagans

2019-04-01 20:46:43 UTC  

that for some strange reason had no problems with the nearby jewish and christian tribes

2019-04-01 20:47:14 UTC  

Poor Muhammed that was forced to raid the meccan caravans and slaughter the tribes that allowed him to stay among them in Medina

2019-04-01 20:47:21 UTC  

I live in Spain

2019-04-01 20:48:10 UTC  

Debate that with a Muslim vro

2019-04-01 20:48:42 UTC  

As I said, if I find one I will do any day., but I can tell you how it will go

2019-04-01 20:49:02 UTC  

You can on discord

2019-04-01 20:49:05 UTC  

Yadda yadda yadda muh poor defense that ebil islamophobes take out of ontext

2019-04-01 20:49:39 UTC  

I'm not that autistic lol. I am not going to listen to the amrch of valkyries while I look for islamic or whatever discords

2019-04-01 20:49:41 UTC  

My debates with Muslims is usually just around Trinity and that

2019-04-01 20:49:51 UTC  

@Uncle Zoob How public is the Ahl-e-Hadith movement in your country? And do the themselves say that they are 'Zahiris'?

2019-04-01 20:49:59 UTC  

They do that because they know very well that they must avoid talking about their false prophet

2019-04-01 20:50:22 UTC  

They try to move the goalposts so that Muhammed's claims of prophethood are never the topic at hand

2019-04-01 20:50:33 UTC  

Nah, I have a Muslim friend who studies his religion a lot. Debate with him maybe

2019-04-01 20:50:44 UTC  

They are simple minded, stupid and barbaric. They are unable to understand any theology or concept

2019-04-01 20:50:52 UTC  

@Wzl it isn't that big, most Muslims here are Barelvi

2019-04-01 20:51:29 UTC  

They try to attack Christianity by pretending something "just doesn't make sense", while blindly following the retardations if their 7th century false prophet

2019-04-01 20:51:30 UTC  

That actually explains a lot. How are the clashes between the barelvi and the Deobandis?

2019-04-01 20:51:50 UTC  

@Wzl they just hurl abuses at each other, nothing more than that

2019-04-01 20:51:57 UTC  


2019-04-01 20:52:09 UTC  

@Mozalbete ⳩ I agree when it comes to Christianity, they have no understanding our religion

2019-04-01 20:52:17 UTC  


2019-04-01 20:53:07 UTC  

Christianity nor Islam, they don't inspect Muhammed's claims, nor motivations. He is the most blatant false prophet that has ever existed. He hists every mark, every warning

2019-04-01 20:53:56 UTC  

18 military campaigns directed in his life

2019-04-01 20:54:01 UTC  

@Wzl slang word for Barelvis here is "tottay" which means parrots

2019-04-01 20:54:05 UTC  

since they wear green turbans lmao