Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 562376587685920779
But what do you make of it?
Retarded family probs
I am not surprised
majority of Christians all belong to lower castes and those people are like that
Also what is it with the retarded inbreeding and incestual relations?
bc muh family bonds get stronger
The family bloodlines too....
though there are rules to it
you can't marry your first cousin if they're children of your paternal uncle
since those are kinda considered same as siblings
Still it doesn't make sense. But it makes sense as every Islamic society cannot develop further than the early Middle Ages as the religion intrinsically fuels barbarism.
Lol no
Lol yes
Please, don't be yet another tard that tries to talk about how normal and peaceful islam is, and how poor MMuhammed had to defend himself
I'll leave that debate to Muslims, they know their religion better
They don't
Are you being monitored or something?
Or what part of the spoils of ward had to be given tu Muhammed
Debate that yourself
Or what was the "offers" that were made to the other nations they were in contact with
You are surrounded by them and it is no surprise that they tell you how much they know about islam and how peaceful and innocent it is
After all, what are they going to say?
Why don't you debate this with a Muslim then ?
Any day
Wanna do it then ?
Well, not in a muslim country if I want to live to tell the tale
Idk I have debated with Muslims here a lot of times
Pretty sure a muslim will do the same thing they do
Make up a fictional "context" out of thin air as pathetic damage control
where do you live
How poor Muhammed had to defend himself from the evil pagans
that for some strange reason had no problems with the nearby jewish and christian tribes
Poor Muhammed that was forced to raid the meccan caravans and slaughter the tribes that allowed him to stay among them in Medina
I live in Spain
Debate that with a Muslim vro